

Flera små-barn sitter bredvid varandra vid ett barn. Ett barn i mitten ser extra glad ut av vad läraren gör

Reducing our climate footprint

Facilities, corporate procurement, travel and food are the four areas most important to work on in order to reduce AcadeMedia's environmental impact. We can see a particularly positive trend in the areas of travel and food. We can see a positive trend resulting from the improvements we are making each year.

AcadeMedia’s aim is to set an example of environmental responsibility in the education sector. We are working to reduce our climate impact by investing in healthy and climate-smart meals. We are also gathering information on our energy consumption in collaboration with our landlords. Based on this we can take bigger and more effective steps towards reducing our climate footprint in the future.  

Barn vattnar växter som växer från mjölkpaket

CO2 emissions

The climate footprint of society, and of course also AcadeMedia, must be reduced. In 2021, we began a survey of energy consumption to get a clear picture of our current impact. We have chosen to focus on mapping the footprint created by meals, real estate, computer purchases and travel.

In parallel with this work, we are reviewing routines and processes to establish a consistent process for collecting information. 

Sustainable corporate procurement

AcadeMedia is collaborating with its largest suppliers to reduce our climate footprint. We focus on both the carbon footprint of the product/service and on the educational opportunity - how we can engage and educate children, students and employees to act more environmentally responsible.

Elev håller i en tidning medan lärare bredvid henne lyssnar och hjälper henne
Barn som fokuserar på mäta grädde

Food waste

AcadeMedia is constantly working on readjusting school meals towards a more sustainable place. We serve about 80,000 meals a day, and in our meal policy there are guidelines on completely vegetarian days, reduced proportion of animal protein, and the use of organically produced food, all to reduce food waste and the carbon footprint.

A range of activities

28 solar installations for educational purposes

AcadeMedia is Sweden’s largest educational provider when it comes to upper-secondary school electrician courses.  There is a big shortage of solar panel installers, with this initiative we will be able to certify a large number of them. Roughly 1,100 student electricians at 28 upper-secondary schools with vocational education will receive training in solar panel installation through this investment.

Food waste

During the year, eight locations were included in a pilot study for food waste follow-up where food waste was divided into four categories – food waste, plate waste, kitchen waste and buffet waste. The tendency is that increased awareness reduces food waste. The study is still in progress  


We have begun mapping our climate footprint, which must be reduced. We have chosen to focus on mapping the footprint created by meals, real estate, computer purchases and travel.