
Activities during the year

The employee survey

This annual survey provides an overview of how employees experience their workplace, work environment and leadership. Our goal is to be an attractive employer that our employees speak favourably of. This was confirmed in this year’s survey. We also want to give our leaders good conditions through which to further develop their workplace based on their results.

The educational web

Our competence development is a high-priority issue and crucial for creating a learning organization. We want to increase the number of internal distance trainings in order to reach more people for our internal trainings while reducing our share of travel.  Of the 263 training opportunities offered last year, twelve percent were webinars. The corresponding share in the previous year was eight percent. 

Competence-enhancing work environment initiatives

To increase managers’ competence in work environment, both in terms of practice and theory, various improvement courses are offered. These initiatives use a structured approach and provide participants the opportunity to highlight practical examples from their own experience to discuss together.

The talent programme for future managers

The talent programme is an exclusive development programme for employees considered to have potential for managerial positions. During the academic year, 26 people graduated from the programme 

Mentorship programme for senior managers

During the academic year 2018/19, twelve senior managers developed their leadership in collaboration with a mentor from another AcadeMedia department. The purpose of the mentoring programme is to create reciprocal learning between two senior managers, one in the role of mentee and one in the role of mentor.