

Here you can find all our press releases and news in cronological order.


IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 08 April 2024

Richard Sjöberg new Head of Communications at AcadeMedia

Richard Sjöberg new Head of Communications at AcadeMedia Richard Sjöberg has been appointed Head of Communications and member of the executive management team at AcadeMedia. He will assume the position on 15 April 2024. – Communication is important for an education company like AcadeMedia, where the work we do every day affects and engages many...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 28 March 2024

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia The number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia AB has during March 2024 decreased through redemption of ordinary shares due to the voluntary redemption program, adopted at the Annual General Meeting on 30 November 2023. In total, the number of shares and votes has decreased...

IR Press Release 15 March 2024

AcadeMedia Group CEO returns after temporary sick leave

AcadeMedia Group CEO returns after temporary sick leave AcadeMedia announces that Group CEO Marcus Strömberg will return to office on 18 March 2024 after a temporary leave of absence for a planned surgery. Katarina Wilson, who has held the position of acting CEO during Marcus Strömberg’s absence, will return to her role as deputy CEO...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 12 March 2024

Announcement of the result of AcadeMedia’s voluntary redemption program

Announcement of the result of AcadeMedia’s voluntary redemption program AcadeMedia announces the result of the company’s voluntary redemption program. The redemption program comprised a total of not more than 4,223,502 ordinary shares in AcadeMedia. Upon completion of the application period, a total of 4,095,867 ordinary shares have been submitted for redemption, corresponding to an acceptance...

IR Press Release 18 February 2024

Mellby Gård stays as the largest owner in AcadeMedia

Mellby Gård stays as the largest owner in AcadeMedia AcadeMedia has today been informed that Mellby Gård and Akelius Foundation have agreed to cancel the agreement according to which Akelius Foundation would acquire Mellby Gård’s entire holding in AcadeMedia. This means that Mellby Gård will remain as AcadeMedia’s largest owner with 24,4% of the shares....

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 16 February 2024

The Board of AcadeMedia has set the terms for the voluntary redemption program

The Board of AcadeMedia has set the terms for the voluntary redemption program On 30 November 2023, AcadeMedia’s Annual General Meeting resolved, in accordance with the proposal from the Board, on a voluntary redemption program, comprising a reduction of the share capital for repayment to the shareholders and a bonus issue without issuance of new...

IR Press Release, News 15 February 2024

Statement from AcadeMedia’s board regarding the change of ownership

Statement from AcadeMedia’s board regarding the change of ownership Mellby Gård, who is the largest owner of AcadeMedia since 2016, has announced that it will sell its shares to the Akelius Foundation (trough Akelius Apartments Ltd). The Akelius Foundation will thus become the new main owner of AcadeMedia when the relevant authorities have approved the...

IR Press Release 13 February 2024

Mellby Gård sells all shares in AcadeMedia to Akelius Foundation

Mellby Gård sells all shares in AcadeMedia to Akelius Foundation AcadeMedia has tonight been informed that Akelius Foundation, and Mellby Gård AB have entered into an agreement whereby Akelius Foundation will acquire all Mellby Gård’s shares in AcadeMedia AB (publ) (“AcadeMedia”). The shareholding represents 25,802,981 shares, corresponding to 24.4 percent of the total number of...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 08 February 2024

AcadeMedia acquires Touhula in Finland

AcadeMedia acquires Touhula in Finland AcadeMedia has signed an agreement to acquire all shares in Touhula Päiväkodit. The acquisition includes 113 preschools with about 7,700 children in Finland and is in line with AcadeMedia’s strategy to grow internationally. Touhula had a turnover in 2023 of about EUR 100 million and EBIT of about EUR 3...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 01 February 2024

AcadeMedia’s interim report, July 2023 – December 2023

AcadeMedia’s interim report, July 2023 – December 2023     Second quarter (October – December 2023) Net sales increased by 9.7 percent and amounted to SEK 4 433 million (4,041). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 8.5 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 305 million (266). Adjusted operating profit, adjusted for items affecting comparability...

IR Press Release 23 January 2024

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2023/24

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2023/24 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2023/24 will be published at 08:00 CET on 1 February. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CET the same day, where acting CEO Katarina Wilson and acting CFO Hanna...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 19 January 2024

AcadeMedia Group CEO to take temporary leave of absence for planned surgery

AcadeMedia Group CEO to take temporary leave of absence for planned surgery Today, AcadeMedia announced that the Group CEO, Marcus Strömberg, as of 22 January is to take temporary leave of absence for a planned surgery. A shorter convalescence period will follow the surgery. Katarina Wilson, deputy CEO at AcadeMedia, is appointed acting CEO during...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 15 January 2024

Petter Sylvan new CFO at AcadeMedia

Petter Sylvan new CFO at AcadeMedia Petter Sylvan has been appointed CFO and member of the executive management team at AcadeMedia. He will assume the position on 4 March 2024. – I am very pleased to welcome Petter Sylvan as new CFO at AcadeMedia. His leadership skills, long experience as CFO, and experience from taking...

IR Press Release 11 January 2024

AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education awarded 30 percent more educational places compared to last year and gains market share

AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education awarded 30 percent more educational places compared to last year and gains market share AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education business has been awarded more than 9,500 (7,364) educational places, announced today by the Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education. The award is an increase of about 30 percent compared to last...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 11 December 2023

Change in AcadeMedia’s Executive Management Team

Change in AcadeMedia’s Executive Management Team Paula Hammerskog, communications director since 2012 and member of the executive management team, has decided to leave AcadeMedia. The process of recruiting a successor has begun and Paula Hammerskog will remain until a new communications director is appointed. – I am grateful for the time I have spent at...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 30 November 2023

Bulletin from Annual General Meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Bulletin from Annual General Meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) The following resolutions were passed at AcadeMedia’s Annual General Meeting held today, on 30 November 2023 in Stockholm. Election of the Board of Directors and auditor The Annual General Meeting resolved, in accordance with the proposal from the nomination committee, that the number of board members...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 27 October 2023

The Nomination Committee’s proposal for the election of the Board of Directors of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

The Nomination Committee’s proposal for the election of the Board of Directors of AcadeMedia AB (publ) The Nomination Committee of AcadeMedia presents the following proposal for a decision at the Annual General Meeting on November 30, 2023, regarding the number of Board members and the election of members and Chairman of the Board. The Nomination...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 27 October 2023

Notice of Annual General Meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Notice of Annual General Meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) N.B. This is a non-official translation of the Swedish original wording. In case of differences between the English translation and the Swedish original, the Swedish text shall prevail. The shareholders of AcadeMedia AB (publ), reg, no. 556846-0231, with its registered office in Stockholm, are summoned to...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 25 October 2023

AcadeMedia publishes the Annual and Sustainability report for 2022/2023

AcadeMedia publishes the Annual and Sustainability report for 2022/2023 AcadeMedia’s 2022/2023 Annual Report is now available on the corporate website, and as an attached pdf to this press release. The Sustainability report is located on pages 13-41. https://old.academedia.duvadev.se/en/investors/reports-and-presentations/ With consideration to the environment, this Annual and Sustainability report is only published digitally. For more information,...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 25 October 2023

AcadeMedia’s interim report, July 2023 – September 2023

AcadeMedia’s interim report, July 2023 – September 2023 First quarter (July – September 2023) Net sales increased by 10.5 percent and amounted to SEK 3,430 million (3,104). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 6.5 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 232 million (239). Adjusted operating profit, adjusted for items affecting comparability and effects of...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 24 October 2023

The Board of AcadeMedia proposes a voluntary share redemption program

The Board of AcadeMedia proposes a voluntary share redemption program The Board of AcadeMedia has resolved to propose that the Annual General Meeting on 30 November 2023 resolves on a voluntary redemption program. AcadeMedia has over time achieved a solid financial position as a result of the development efforts and investments made during several years....

IR Press Release 16 October 2023

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2023/24

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2023/24 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2023/24 will be published at 08:00 CEST on 25 October. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CEST the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg, deputy CEO Katarina Wilson, and...

IR Press Release 04 October 2023

AcadeMedia acquire Berghs School of Communication in Sweden

AcadeMedia acquire Berghs School of Communication in Sweden AcadeMedia has acquired all shares in Berghs School of Communication in Sweden. Berghs is a school with excellent international reputation. Their specialisation in communication education complements AcadeMedia’s existing adult education business. Berghs had a turnover in 2022 of approximately SEK 84 million. Berghs, with its strong brand and...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 29 September 2023

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia The number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia AB has during September 2023 increased through conversion of convertible bonds relating to the convertible program for employees within the AcadeMedia group, adopted at the Annual General Meeting on 22 November 2018. In total, the number of...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 30 August 2023

AcadeMedia’s year-end report July 2022 – June 2023

AcadeMedia’s year-end report July 2022 – June 2023 Fourth quarter (April – June 2023) Net sales increased by 9.0 percent and amounted to SEK 4,199 million (3,851). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 7.2 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 404 million (337). Adjusted operating profit, adjusted for items affecting comparability and effects of...

IR Press Release 21 August 2023

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2022/23

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2022/23 AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2022/23 will be published at 08:00 CEST on 30 August. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CEST the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and deputy CEO...

IR Press Release 15 August 2023

AcadeMedia acquires Winford College, broadening its Dutch business

AcadeMedia acquires Winford College, broadening its Dutch business AcadeMedia has acquired all shares in Winford College BV. The acquisition includes compulsory and upper secondary school and broadens AcadeMedia’s existing business in the Netherlands to include education from preschool to upper secondary school. Winford College had a turnover in 2022/23 of approximately EUR 13.6 million and...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 19 July 2023

AcadeMedia announces preliminary financial results for the fourth quarter 2022/2023

AcadeMedia announces preliminary financial results for the fourth quarter 2022/2023 AcadeMedia’s net sales increased by 9.0 percent in the fourth quarter and are anticipated to be SEK 4 200 million (3 851). The average number of children and students, excluding the Adult Education Segment, increased by 6.1 percent to 98,988 (93,308). Adjusted operating profit increased...

News 07 July 2023

AcadeMedia comments on School Minister Lotta Edholm's press ...

AcadeMedia comments on School Minister Lotta Edholm’s press conference on July 7, 2023 Most of the new additional directives are known since the Tidö agreement and can lead to further predictability for independent schools. However, it is problematic that the government chooses to disregard many of the challenges that exist within the school; focusing on...

IR Press Release 22 June 2023

AcadeMedia announces changes in its Executive Management Team

AcadeMedia announces changes in its Executive Management Team Katarina Wilson will assume her new position as deputy CEO on 1 July, with responsibility for the operational activities, as well as the support functions IT, property and market. Jimmy Kjellström, who was acting head of the Upper Secondary School Segment, will assume the position permanently. Hanna...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 11 May 2023

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM 2023

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM 2023 In accordance with the principles adopted by the Annual General Meeting 2020, the Nomination Committee shall comprise one representative for each of the three largest shareholders based on ownership of the company as per the end of the financial year’s third quarter. Should one of the...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 05 May 2023

AcadeMedias delårsrapport juli 2022 – mars 2023

AcadeMedias delårsrapport juli 2022 – mars 2023 Summary of the third quarter (January – March 2023) Net sales increased by 10.3 percent and amounted to SEK 4,195 million (3,802). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 7.5 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 361 million (313). Adjusted operating profit, adjusted for items affecting comparability and...

IR Press Release 21 April 2023

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – March 2022/23

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – March 2022/23 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – March 2022/23 will be published at 08:00 CEST on 5 May. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CEST the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Katarina Wilson will...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 16 April 2023

AcadeMedia announces changes in its Executive Management Team

AcadeMedia announces changes in its Executive Management Team Katarina Wilson, CFO at AcadeMedia since 2019 has been offered and accepted the role of deputy CEO at AcadeMedia. Karl Sandlund, COO and member of the executive management team, will leave for a new assignment outside of AcadeMedia. – Katarina is a valued leader with broad experience...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 02 February 2023

AcadeMedia’s interim report, July – December 2022

AcadeMedia’s interim report, July – December 2022 Summary of the second quarter (October – December 2022) Net sales increased by 7.1 percent and amounted to SEK 4,041 million (3,774). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 4.3 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 266 million (342). Adjusted operating profit, adjusted for items affecting comparability and...

IR Press Release 19 January 2023

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2022/23

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2022/23 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2022/23 will be published at 08:00 CET on 2 February. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CET the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Katarina Wilson will...

IR Press Release 12 January 2023

AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education awarded 7,300 educational places and gains market share

AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education awarded 7,300 educational places and gains market share AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education business was awarded more than 7,300 educational places and gains market share. The number of granted applications was announced by the Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education. The award means that AcadeMedia’s total number of educational places for...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 30 November 2022

Bulletin from annual general meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Bulletin from annual general meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) The following resolutions were passed at AcadeMedia’s annual general meeting (the “AGM”) held today, on 30 November 2022 in Stockholm. Election of the board of directors and auditor The AGM resolved, in accordance with the proposal from the nomination committee, that the number of board members...

IR Press Release 08 November 2022

AcadeMedia acquires FAWZ and broaden its German business

AcadeMedia acquires FAWZ and broaden its German business AcadeMedia has acquired all shares in Fürstenwalder Aus- und Weiterbildungszentrum gGmbH (FAWZ). The acquisition includes operations in preschool, compulsory school, upper secondary school, and adult education, and it broadens AcadeMedia’s existing business in Germany to include education from preschool to adult education. FAWZ had a turnover in...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 07 November 2022

AcadeMedia clarifies its dividend policy and introduces new financial key performance indicators

AcadeMedia clarifies its dividend policy and introduces new financial key performance indicators The Board of Directors at AcadeMedia has decided to clarify the Group’s dividend policy and at the same time introduce new financial key performance indicators relating to capital structure. The background to the decision is to clarify AcadeMedia’s capital structure and how capital...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 25 October 2022

AcadeMedia’s interim report, July – September 2022

AcadeMedia’s interim report, July – September 2022 First quarter (July 2022 – September 2022) Net sales increased by 6.6 percent and amounted to SEK 3,104 million (2,911). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 4.5 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 239 million (233). Adjusted operating profit, adjusted for items affecting comparability and effects of...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 25 October 2022

AcadeMedia publishes the Annual and Sustainability report for 2021/2022

AcadeMedia publishes the Annual and Sustainability report for 2021/2022 AcadeMedia’s 2021/2022 Annual Report is now available on the corporate website, and as an attached pdf to this press release. The Sustainability report is located on pages 14-42. https://old.academedia.duvadev.se/en/investors/reports-and-presentations/ With consideration to the environment, this Annual and Sustainability report is only published digitally. For more information,...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 25 October 2022

Notice of annual general meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Notice of annual general meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) N.B. This is a non-official translation of the Swedish original wording. In case of differences between the English translation and the Swedish original, the Swedish text shall prevail. The shareholders of AcadeMedia AB (publ), reg, no. 556846-0231, with its registered office in Stockholm, are summoned to...

IR Press Release 14 October 2022

AcadeMedia comments on the incoming government’s agreement concerning schools

AcadeMedia comments on the incoming government’s agreement concerning schools In relation to the agreement made by the incoming government (Tidö Agreement), AcadeMedia submits the following comment:   – We welcome many of the proposals in the Tidö Agreement and look forward to the proposals being investigated and implemented. Many of the proposals AcadeMedia has developed over...

IR Press Release 12 October 2022

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2022/23

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2022/23 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2022/23 will be published at 08:00 CEST on 25 October. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CEST the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Katarina Wilson will...

IR Press Release 04 October 2022

AcadeMedia is negotiating an acquisition in Germany

AcadeMedia is negotiating an acquisition in Germany AcadeMedia has initiated negotiations to acquire Fürstenwalder Aus- und Weiterbildungszentrum gGmbH with compulsory school and adult education business in Brandenburg Germany. The business had a turnover in 2021 of approximately EUR 22 millon. A potential deal would increase AcadeMedias’s presence in Germany, which is in line with the...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 30 September 2022

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia The number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia AB has during September 2022 increased through conversion of convertible bonds relating to the convertible program for employees within the AcadeMedia group, adopted at the Annual General Meeting on 22 November 2018. In total, the number of...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 30 August 2022

AcadeMedia’s year-end report July 2021 – April 2022

AcadeMedia’s year-end report July 2021 – April 2022 Fourth quarter (April – June 2022) Net sales increased by 4.9 percent and amounted to SEK 3,851 million (3,672). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 3.7 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 337 million (330). Adjusted operating profit, adjusted for items affecting comparability and effects of...

IR Press Release 19 August 2022

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2021/22

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2021/22 AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2021/22 will be published at 08:00 CEST on Tuesday 30 August. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CEST the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 19 August 2022

Håkan Sörman proposed as new Chairman and Mikael Helmerson as a new member of the Board of Directors of AcadeMedia

Håkan Sörman proposed as new Chairman and Mikael Helmerson as a new member of the Board of Directors of AcadeMedia The Nomination Committee of AcadeMedia will propose that Håkan Sörman, member of AcadeMedia’s Board since 2017, shall be elected as new Chairman and Mikael Helmerson as a new member of the Board at AcadeMedia’s Annual...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 20 July 2022

AcadeMedia announces preliminary financial results for the fourth quarter 2021/2022

AcadeMedia announces preliminary financial results for the fourth quarter 2021/2022 AcadeMedia’s net sales increased by 4.9 percent in the fourth quarter and are anticipated to be SEK 3 850 million (3 672). The average number of children and students, excluding the Adult Education Segment, increased by 3.6 percent to 93,308 (90,032). Adjusted operating profit is...

IR Press Release 13 July 2022

AcadeMedia is to publish preliminary results for the fourth quarter 2021/22 on Wednesday 20 July

AcadeMedia is to publish preliminary results for the fourth quarter 2021/22 on Wednesday 20 July AcadeMedia is to publish the group’s preliminary results for the fourth quarter 2021/22 on Wednesday 20 July at 08:00 CEST. All figures will be preliminary and unaudited. AcadeMedia will not provide any additional comments until after the publication of its...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 12 July 2022

AcadeMedia announces changes in its Executive Management Team

AcadeMedia announces changes in its Executive Management Team Veronica Rörsgård, head of the Swedish preschools will leave AcadeMedia for a new assignment outside the company. Veronica Rörsgård has left the executive management team. Veronica Rörsgård was due to assume the position of head of the Preschool Segment on July 1st, 2022. A recruitment process has...

IR Press Release 08 July 2022

AcadeMedia acquires Changemaker Educations AB and continue the expansion within game education

AcadeMedia acquires Changemaker Educations AB and continue the expansion within game education AcadeMedia has entered into an agreement to acquire all shares in Changemaker Education AB for SEK 60 million. The company, which run Futuregames, has consistently ranked as one of the best game educations in the world for the past 25 years. AcadeMedia already...

IR Press Release 06 July 2022

AcadeMedia signs a new loan agreement

AcadeMedia signs a new loan agreement AcadeMedia has signed a new loan agreement with DNB and SEB to refinance existing loans to an amount of SEK 1,650 million until the middle of 2025 with the possibility to extend until 2027. Annual amortization will decrease by SEK 34 million which will positively impact cash flow. Following...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 05 May 2022

AcadeMedia’s interim report July 2021 – March 2022

AcadeMedia’s interim report July 2021 – March 2022 Third quarter (January – March 2022) Net sales increased by 5.9 percent and amounted to SEK 3,802 million (3,591). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 4.7 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 313 million (346). Adjusted operating profit, adjusted for items affecting comparability and effects of...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 02 May 2022

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM 2022

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM 2022 In accordance with the principles adopted by the Annual General Meeting 2020, the nomination committee shall comprise one representative for each of the three largest shareholders based on ownership of the company as per the end of the financial year’s third quarter. The chairman of the...

IR Press Release 21 April 2022

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – March 2021/22

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – March 2021/22 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – March 2021/22 will be published at 08:00 CEST on Thursday 5 May. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CEST the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Katarina Wilson...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 04 April 2022

AcadeMedia announces changes in its Executive Management Team

AcadeMedia announces changes in its Executive Management Team Following AcadeMedia’s significant growth in recent years both in Sweden and internationally, several changes in its Executive Management Team are announced. Karl Sandlund is appointed COO at AcadeMedia Karl Sandlund is appointed COO, a new position at AcadeMedia and will be a member of the Executive Management...

IR Press Release 04 April 2022

Karl Sandlund is appointed COO at AcadeMedia

Karl Sandlund is appointed COO at AcadeMedia Karl Sandlund is appointed COO, a new position at AcadeMedia and will be a member of the Executive Management team. AcadeMedia has grown substantially in recent years and to strengthen and develop the management function this new position is established. – I’m very pleased to welcome Karl to...

IR Press Release 01 April 2022

AcadeMedia completes platform acquisition in the Netherlands

AcadeMedia completes platform acquisition in the Netherlands AcadeMedia has entered into an agreement to acquire all shares in the preschool companies Blokkentrein and Le Garage Kinderopvang. The acquisition is a platform acquisition into the Dutch market and open up for continued international expansion. The acquisition includes two preschools with about 240 children and an annual...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 31 March 2022

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia The number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia AB has during March 2022 increased through conversion of convertible bonds relating to the convertible program for employees within the AcadeMedia group, adopted at the Annual General Meeting on 22 November 2018. In total, the number of...

IR Press Release 07 March 2022

AcadeMedia announces a change in its Executive Management Team

AcadeMedia announces a change in its Executive Management Team Jens Eriksson, head of Upper Secondary School Segment and Compulsory School Segment and part of the executive management team, has decided to leave AcadeMedia for a new assignment outside the company. Jens Eriksson will leave his role on 23 June 2022. A recruitment process has been...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 01 February 2022

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – December 2021

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – December 2021 Second quarter (October – December 2021) Net sales increased by 9.8 percent and amounted to SEK 3,774 million (3,436). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 6.0 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 342 million (273). Adjusted operating profit, adjusted for items affecting comparability and effects of IFRS...

IR Press Release 25 January 2022

AcadeMedia acquires Sandviks AS and enters the educational products and services market

AcadeMedia acquires Sandviks AS and enters the educational products and services market AcadeMedia has entered into an agreement to acquire all shares in Sandviks AS for NOK 87 million. The company primarily offers products and services that inspire children to read at an early age. With the acquisition, AcadeMedia initiates a new business area offering...

IR Press Release 18 January 2022

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2021/22

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2021/22 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2021/22 will be published at 08:00 CET on Tuesday 1 February. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CET the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Katarina Wilson...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 30 November 2021

Bulletin from annual general meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Bulletin from annual general meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) The following resolutions were passed at AcadeMedia’s annual general meeting (the “AGM”) held today, on 30 November 2021 in Stockholm. Election of the board of directors and auditor The AGM resolved, in accordance with the proposal from the nomination committee, that the number of board members...

News 24 November 2021

Blanka Talks Premiere!

Tomorrow airs the first episode of Blank...

IR Press Release 01 November 2021

AcadeMedia plan for more openings in Germany

AcadeMedia plan for more openings in Germany AcadeMedia has decided to open 600 additional preschool places in Germany. This means that the plan now is to open 3,300 preschool places in total in regions where demand is high. Today, five years after opening, AcadeMedia has places for more than 5,000 preschool children in Germany, distributed...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 29 October 2021

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – September 2021

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – September 2021 First quarter (July – September 2021) Net sales increased by 10.2 percent and amounted to SEK 2,911 million (2,641). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 6.8 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 233 million (221). Adjusted operating profit, adjusted for items affecting comparability and effects of IFRS...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 29 October 2021

Notice of annual general meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Notice of annual general meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) The shareholders of AcadeMedia AB (publ), reg, no. 556846-0231, with its registered office in Stockholm, are summoned to the annual general meeting (AGM) on Tuesday 30 November 2021 at 2 p.m. at Näringslivets Hus, Storgatan 19, Stockholm. Registration starts at 1 p.m.   Timeline: Record Date  ...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 29 October 2021

AcadeMedia publishes the Annual and Sustainability report for 2020/2021

AcadeMedia publishes the Annual and Sustainability report for 2020/2021 The pandemic left its mark on the fiscal year, ending 30 June 2021. In the combined Annual and Sustainability report published today, AcadeMedia describes how the pandemic caused the education sector to take a major digital step forward and how the Adult Education Segment has been...

IR Press Release 15 October 2021

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2021/22

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2021/22 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2021/22 will be published at 08:00 CEST on 29 October. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CEST the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Katarina Wilson will...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 08 October 2021

Jan Bernhardsson proposed as new member of the Board of Directors of AcadeMedia

Jan Bernhardsson proposed as new member of the Board of Directors of AcadeMedia The Nomination Committee of AcadeMedia will propose that Jan Bernhardsson shall be elected as a new member of the Board of Directors at AcadeMedia’s Annual General Meeting on 30 November 2021. Anki Bystedt has announced that she will leave the Board at...

IR Press Release 29 September 2021

The number of participants at AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education schools increase with 25 percent to more than 10,000 participants

The number of participants at AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education schools increase with 25 percent to more than 10,000 participants AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education had a record-breaking start with more than 10,200 participants, an increase of 25 percent compared to the last fiscal year. Swedish Education Group AB, acquired in December 2020, contributed with 19 percentage...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 31 August 2021

AcadeMedia’s Year-end Report July 2020 – June 2021

AcadeMedia’s Year-end Report July 2020 – June 2021 Fourth quarter (April – June 2021) Net sales increased by 13.8 percent and amounted to SEK 3,672 million (3,227). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions and adjusted for currency effects, was 10.4 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 329 million (334). Adjusted operating profit, adjusted for items...

IR Press Release 17 August 2021

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2020/21

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2020/21 AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2020/21 will be published at 08:00 CEST on 31 August. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CEST the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Katarina...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 31 May 2021

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia The number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia AB has during May 2021 increased through conversion of warrants relating to the warrant program for group management adopted at the Annual General Meeting on 24 November 2017 (Warrant program 2017/2021). In total, the number of shares...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 10 May 2021

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM 2021

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM 2021 The nomination committee shall comprise one representative for each of the three largest shareholders based on ownership of the company as per the end of the financial year’s third quarter. The chairman of the board shall be a co-opted member (Sw. adjungerad). Should one of the...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 06 May 2021

AcadeMedia’s interim report July 2020 – March 2021

AcadeMedia’s interim report July 2020 – March 2021 Third quarter (January – March 2021) Net sales increased by 9.3 percent and amounted to SEK 3,591 million (3,284). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions and adjusted for currency effects, was 7.3 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 345 million (309). Adjusted operating profit, adjusted for items...

IR Press Release 22 April 2021

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – March 2020/21

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – March 2020/21 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – March 2020/21 will be published at 08:00 CEST on 6 May. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CEST the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Katarina Wilson will...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 31 March 2021

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia The number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia AB has during March 2021 increased through conversion of warrants relating to the warrant program for group management adopted at the Annual General Meeting on 24 November 2017 (Warrant program 2017/2021). In total, the number of shares...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 26 February 2021

Change in the number of votes in AcadeMedia

Change in the number of votes in AcadeMedia The votes in AcadeMedia has changed through conversion of 42,337 C shares to 42,337 ordinary shares. These shares now have one vote per share, totally 42,337 votes.  The conversion follows that all criteria in AcadeMedia’s share-based incentive program, adopted by the Annual General Meeting on November 24,...

IR Press Release 16 February 2021

AcadeMedia’s CEO has acquired synthetic options relating to AcadeMedia and will divest part of his shareholding

AcadeMedia’s CEO has acquired synthetic options relating to AcadeMedia and will divest part of his shareholding The Board of Directors in AcadeMedia AB (publ) has been informed by the company’s principal shareholder Mellby Gård AB that the CEO of AcadeMedia, Marcus Strömberg, has acquired synthetic options relating to AcadeMedia issued by Mellby Gård. Marcus Strömberg...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 03 February 2021

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – December 2020

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – December 2020 Second quarter (October – December 2020) Net sales increased by 5.5 percent and amounted to SEK 3,436 million (3,258). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions and adjusted for currency effects, was 7.3 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 273 million (201). Adjusted operating profit, adjusted for items affecting...

IR Press Release 22 January 2021

AcadeMedia announces a change in its Executive Management Team

AcadeMedia announces a change in its Executive Management Team Paula Hammerskog is appointed Head of Communications at AcadeMedia. The current Head of Communications Annette Lilliestierna has decided to leave the company. The transition will take place on 1 February 2021. Paula Hammerskog, currently Head of Safety and Security at AcadeMedia, has extensive experience from various...

IR Press Release 20 January 2021

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2020/21

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2020/21 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2020/21 will be published at 08:00 CET on 3 February. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CET the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Katarina Wilson will...

IR Press Release 19 January 2021

A new record allocation of higher vocational training for AcadeMedia

A new record allocation of higher vocational training for AcadeMedia AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education business has been awarded a record number of training programs for the autumn of 2021 and the business is gaining market share. The number of granted applications was announced by the Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education. The expansion of...

IR Press Release 11 December 2020

The Swedish Competition Authority approves AcadeMedia’s acquisition of Swedish Education Group

The Swedish Competition Authority approves AcadeMedia’s acquisition of Swedish Education Group The Swedish Competition Authority today approved AcadeMedia’s acquisition of RE Skolor, the ultimate owner of AB Swedish Education Group. The acquisition is expected to be completed on 17 December 2020, in line with previous communication. The acquisition complements AcadeMedia’s existing business and strengthen our...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 26 November 2020

Bulletin from annual general meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Bulletin from annual general meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) The following resolutions were passed at AcadeMedia’s annual general meeting (the “AGM”) held today, on 26 November 2020 in Stockholm. Election of the board of directors and auditor The AGM resolved, in accordance with the proposal from the nomination committee, that the number of board members...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 06 November 2020

AcadeMedia strengthen its position through acquisition of Swedish Education Group for SEK 185 million

AcadeMedia strengthen its position through acquisition of Swedish Education Group for SEK 185 million AcadeMedia has today entered into an agreement to acquire all shares in RE Skolor AB, the ultimate owner of Swedish Education Group AB. The acquisition includes operations in compulsory school, upper secondary school, and higher vocational education. The acquisition complements AcadeMedia’s...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 27 October 2020

AcadeMedia publishes the Annual and Sustainability report for 2019/2020

AcadeMedia publishes the Annual and Sustainability report for 2019/2020 The 2019/2020 financial year can be divided into two separate periods. The time before, and the time during, the Covid-19 pandemic. In the combined Annual and Sustainability report published today, AcadeMedia details how, in March 2020, the entire organisation rapidly rose to the challenge to both...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 23 October 2020

Notice of annual general meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Notice of annual general meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) The shareholders of AcadeMedia AB (publ), reg, no. 556846-0231, with its registered office in Stockholm, are summoned to the annual general meeting (AGM) on Thursday 26 November 2020 at 2 p.m. at Näringslivets Hus, Storgatan 19, Stockholm. Registration starts at 1.30 p.m.   Timeline: Record Date  ...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 23 October 2020

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – September 2020

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – September 2020 First quarter (July – September 2020) Net sales increased by 5.6 percent and amounted to SEK 2,641 million (2,502). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 7.4 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 221 million (129). Adjusted operating profit, adjusted for items affecting comparability and effects of IFRS...

IR Press Release 14 October 2020

AcadeMedia’s Compulsory School Segment clarifies pedagogic offer and launches new educational profiles

AcadeMedia’s Compulsory School Segment clarifies pedagogic offer and launches new educational profiles In 2011 AcadeMedia acquired “Pysslingen förskolor och skolor”, a group of well-run pre- and compulsory school units with a variety of pedagogics. AcadeMedia’s Compulsory School Segment will now take steps to provide clarity on the differences between the existing units, grouping those with...

IR Press Release 13 October 2020

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2020/21

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2020/21 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2020/21 will be published at 08:00 CEST on 23 October. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CEST the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Katarina Wilson will...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 09 October 2020

AcadeMedia’s operating profit higher than expected for the first quarter 2020/21

AcadeMedia’s operating profit higher than expected for the first quarter 2020/21 AcadeMedia has had a stronger first quarter than expected by the market. Net sales are estimated to be SEK 2,650 million (2,502), an increase of around 6 percent compared to last year. Operating profit adjusted for the effects of IFRS 16 is estimated to...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 04 September 2020

AcadeMedia grows the number of children and students by approximately five percent organically

AcadeMedia grows the number of children and students by approximately five percent organically Preliminary figures show that the number of children and students in AcadeMedia’s three school segments will increase by approximately five percent in the first quarter of 2020/21 compared with the corresponding period last year. Early measurements indicate that the average number of...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 28 August 2020

AcadeMedia’s Year-end Report July 2019 – June 2020

AcadeMedia’s Year-end Report July 2019 – June 2020 Fourth quarter (April – June 2020) Net sales increased by 2.1 percent and amounted to SEK 3,227 million (3,162). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 3.9 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 334 million (218). Excluding the effects of IFRS 16, EBIT was SEK 279 million...

IR Press Release 14 August 2020

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2019/20

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2019/20 AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2019/20 will be published at 08:00 CEST on 28 August. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CEST the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Katarina...

IR Press Release 10 July 2020

The Supreme Administrative Court confirms the allocation decision for municipal adult education – AcadeMedia and the City of Stockholm can start to sign contracts

The Supreme Administrative Court confirms the allocation decision for municipal adult education – AcadeMedia and the City of Stockholm can start to sign contracts The Supreme Administrative Court of Sweden has rejected all applications for review of the procurement for municipal adult education. This means that AcadeMedia’s companies that participated in the procurement can begin...

IR Press Release 09 July 2020

AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education business has received additional educational places

AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education business has received additional educational places AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education business has been awarded 1,506 additional educational places for the autumn of 2020. The number of granted applications was announced by the Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education (MYH). In total, the additional allocation strengthens AcadeMedia’s position and increase market...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 05 May 2020

AcadeMedia’s interim report July 2019 – March 2020

AcadeMedia’s interim report July 2019 – March 2020 Third quarter (January – March 2020) Net sales increased by 4.8 percent and amounted to SEK 3,284 million (3,135). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 5.3 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 309 million (231). Excluding the effects of IFRS 16, EBIT was SEK 259 million...

IR Press Release 28 April 2020

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – March 2019/20

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – March 2019/20 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – March 2019/20 will be published at 08:00 CEST on 5 May. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CEST the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Katarina Wilson will...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 23 April 2020

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM 2020

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM 2020 The nomination committee shall comprise one representative for each of the three largest shareholders based on ownership of the company as per the end of the financial year’s third quarter. The chairman of the board shall be a co-opted member (Sw. adjungerad). Should one of the...

IR Press Release 16 March 2020

AcadeMedia comments on Covid-19

AcadeMedia comments on Covid-19 All AcadeMedia’s preschools in Norway and Germany are affected by national and regional decisions to close preschools and schools. The school voucher will continue to be paid out during this period. In Sweden, all operations will remain open. The situation can change rapidly and AcadeMedia is closely monitoring developments related to...

IR Press Release 14 February 2020

AcadeMedia is awarded new contracts by the City of Gothenburg

AcadeMedia is awarded new contracts by the City of Gothenburg The City of Gothenburg has announced its resolution regarding the tender for adult education provided by the municipality. As previously communicated, the City of Gothenburg has chosen a new procurement process with focus on lowest price, following the appeal in 2018-2019. Gothenburg will distribute the...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 31 January 2020

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – December 2019

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – December 2019 Second quarter (October – December 2019) Net sales increased by 5.9 percent and amounted to SEK 3,258 million (3,076). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 6.0 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 201 million (128). Excluding the effects of IFRS 16, EBIT was SEK 150 million (128),...

IR Press Release 17 January 2020

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2019/20

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2019/20 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2019/20 will be published at 08:00 CET on 31 January. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CET the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Katarina Wilson will...

IR Press Release 10 January 2020

AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education business grows at market pace

AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education business grows at market pace AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education business has been awarded a good number of training programs for the autumn of 2020 and the business grows at market pace. The number of granted applications was announced by the Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education. AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 29 November 2019

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia The number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia AB has during November increased through conversion of subscription warrants relating to the warrants programme for group management implemented at the Extraordinary General Meeting on 1 June 2016 (Warrant program 2016). In total, the number of shares...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 26 November 2019

Bulletin from annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Bulletin from annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) The following resolutions were passed at AcadeMedia’s annual shareholders’ meeting (the “AGM”) held today, on 26 November, 2019, in Stockholm. Election of the board of directors and auditor The AGM resolved, in accordance with the proposal from the nomination committee, that the number of board members...

IR Press Release 22 November 2019

AcadeMedia is awarded new contracts by the City of Stockholm

AcadeMedia is awarded new contracts by the City of Stockholm The City of Stockholm has announced its decision regarding the procurement for municipal adult education. The city distributes the responsibility for adult education to a limited number of providers, five of which are part of the AcadeMedia group – Movant, Eductus, Hermods, NTI-skolan and KompetensUtvecklingsInstitutet....

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 25 October 2019

AcadeMedia’s Annual report and Sustainability report is published today

AcadeMedia’s Annual report and Sustainability report is published today More children, students and adult education participants than ever attend one of AcadeMedia’s 650 units in Sweden, Norway and Germany. In the combined Annual and Sustainability report published today, the high paced development in Germany and efforts made within sustainability during the past year are highlighted....

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 24 October 2019

Notice of annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Notice of annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) The shareholders of AcadeMedia AB (publ) are summoned to the annual shareholders’ meeting on Tuesday 26 November 2019 at 2 p.m. at Näringslivets Hus, Storgatan 19, Stockholm. Registration starts at 1 p.m.   Shareholders who wish to attend the annual shareholders’ meeting must be registered in...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 23 October 2019

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – September 2019

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – September 2019 First quarter (July – September 2019) Net sales increased by 6.8 percent and amounted to SEK 2,502 million (2,343). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 6.8 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 129 million (58). Excluding the effects of IFRS 16, EBIT was SEK 75 million (58),...

IR Press Release 09 October 2019

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2019/20

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2019/20 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2019/20 will be published at 08:00 CEST on 23 October. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CEST the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Eola Änggård Runsten will...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 02 October 2019

AcadeMedia grows the number of children and students by 3.4 percent organically

AcadeMedia grows the number of children and students by 3.4 percent organically The number of children and students in AcadeMedia’s three school segments increased by 3.4 percent for the first quarter of 2019/20 compared with the corresponding period last year. During the quarter, the average number of children and students attending the AcadeMedia’s preschools and...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 20 September 2019

Katarina Wilson new CFO at AcadeMedia

Katarina Wilson new CFO at AcadeMedia Eola Änggård Runsten, CFO of AcadeMedia since 2013, has decided to leave the company.  Eola will leave her position as CFO on November 1st and as of that date Katarina Wilson will be the new Chief Financial Officer of AcadeMedia. Katarina Wilson has been with AcadeMedia since 2016 as...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 29 August 2019

AcadeMedia’s Year-end report July 2018 – June 2019

AcadeMedia’s Year-end report July 2018 – June 2019 Fourth quarter (April – June 2019) Net sales increased by 5.6 percent to SEK 3,162 million (2,993). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 5.3 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) increased by 30.5 percent to SEK 218 million (167). Items affecting comparability in the period amounted to SEK -14...

IR Press Release 09 July 2019

Invitation to year-end presentation and capital markets seminar

Invitation to year-end presentation and capital markets seminar AcadeMedia invites investors and media to a webcast year-end presentation with a subsequent capital markets seminar. The focus of the seminar is the rapidly growing European preschool market and AcadeMedia’s strategy and opportunities for profitable growth. AcadeMedia’s year-end report for 2018/19 will be published at 08:00 CET...

IR Press Release 14 June 2019

AcadeMedia combines all preschools in one segment to capitalise on growth opportunities

AcadeMedia combines all preschools in one segment to capitalise on growth opportunities AcadeMedia is one of the leading preschool operators in Sweden and internationally. Bringing all pre-school units together in one segment enables us to focus and capture growth opportunities within the fast growing European pre-school market. AcadeMedia has through analysis of the European preschool...

IR Press Release 27 May 2019

AcadeMedia increases the number of upper secondary school places in Uppsala

AcadeMedia increases the number of upper secondary school places in Uppsala AcadeMedia signs an agreement with Akademiska Hus for larger upper secondary school premises. This enables an increase of the number of school places in Uppsala and contributes to growth. Uppsala is one of the fastest growing municipalities in Sweden with a population growth rate...

IR Press Release 13 May 2019

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM in 2019

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM in 2019 The nomination committee shall comprise one representative for each of the three largest shareholders based on ownership of the company as per the end of the financial year’s third quarter. The chairman of the board shall be a co-opted member (Sw. adjungerad). The Nomination Committee,...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 07 May 2019

AcadeMedia’s interim report July 2018 – March 2019

AcadeMedia’s interim report July 2018 – March 2019 Third quarter (January – March 2019) Net sales increased by 5.7 percent and amounted to SEK 3,135 million (2,967). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 4.5 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) increased by 10.5 percent to SEK 231 million (209). Retroactive revenues from prior years amounted to SEK...

IR Press Release 25 March 2019

Voucher increases for Academedia amount to 2.5% in Sweden

Voucher increases for Academedia amount to 2.5% in Sweden Voucher notifications have been recieved for almost 80 percent of the student base which gives a stable average for the Swedish operations. Average voucher increases for 2019 are for AcadeMedia’s Swedish operations estimated to 2.5 (2.5) percent and 3.4 (2.2) percent for the Norwegian preschools. The...

IR Press Release 08 February 2019

The Schools Inspectorate resolves on an injunction to Praktiska Gymnasiet in Karlskrona

The Schools Inspectorate resolves on an injunction to Praktiska Gymnasiet in Karlskrona The Schools Inspectorate has given Praktiska Gymnasiet, an upper secondary school, in Karlskrona an injunction with a threat of a fine amounting to SEK 1.5 million. There is a prior injunction with a potential fine of SEK 650 000. The shortcomings identified in the...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 31 January 2019

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – December 2018

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – December 2018 AcadeMedia’s interim report July – December 2018  Second quarter (October – December 2018) Net sales increased by 9.3 percent and amounted to SEK 3,076 million (2,813). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 4.5 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) decreased by 22.9 percent to SEK 128 million (166). The decline...

IR Press Release 30 January 2019

Record allocation of higher vocational training for AcadeMedia

Record allocation of higher vocational training for AcadeMedia AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Training business has been awarded a record number of training programs for the fall of 2019. In total 71 planned training programs have been awarded, which is an increase of 29 compared to last year. This was made clear yesterday following an announcement from...

IR Press Release 17 January 2019

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2018/19

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2018/19 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2018/19 will be published at 08:00 CET on January 31. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CET the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Eola Änggård Runsten will present the report. ...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 03 December 2018

Members of the executive management in AcadeMedia have acquired synthetic options relating to AcadeMedia issued by Mellby Gård

Members of the executive management in AcadeMedia have acquired synthetic options relating to AcadeMedia issued by Mellby Gård The Board of Directors in AcadeMedia AB (publ) has been informed by the company’s principal shareholder Mellby Gård AB that members of the executive management in AcadeMedia have acquired synthetic options relating to AcadeMedia issued by Mellby...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 30 November 2018

Change in the number of votes in AcadeMedia

Change in the number of votes in AcadeMedia The votes in AcadeMedia has changed through conversion of 76,758 C shares to 76,758 ordinary shares. These shares now have one vote per share, totally 76,758 votes. The conversion follows that all criteria in AcadeMedia’s share-based incentive program was met and the qualifying participants have received these...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 22 November 2018

Bulletin from annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Bulletin from annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) The following resolutions were passed at AcadeMedia’s annual shareholders’ meeting (the “AGM”) held today, on 22 November, 2018, in Stockholm. Election of the board of directors and auditor The AGM resolved, in accordance with the proposal from the nomination committee, that the number of board members...

IR Press Release 12 November 2018

AcadeMedia is awarded new contract by the City of Gothenburg

AcadeMedia is awarded new contract by the City of Gothenburg On Tuesday last week the City of Gothenburg announced its resolution regarding a tender for adult education provided by the municipality. Gothenburg will distribute the adult education to a limited number of suppliers, four of which are part of the AcadeMedia group – Movant, Eductus,...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 01 November 2018

The full proposal on a convertible program ahead of the annual shareholders’ meeting is now available. Modifications compared to the notice

The full proposal on a convertible program ahead of the annual shareholders’ meeting is now available. Modifications compared to the notice Ahead of AcadeMedia’s annual shareholders’ meeting on November 22, 2018, t9:he board of directors’ has now published the full proposal on a directed issue of convertibles to the employees (Convertible program 2019/2023). The full...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 29 October 2018

AcadeMedia announces a change in its Executive Management Team

AcadeMedia announces a change in its Executive Management Team On 1 December 2018, Paula Hammerskog will transition from Head of Communications to the newly created role of Head of Safety and Security at AcadeMedia. The new Head of Communications will be Annette Lilliestierna, who is currently in the role of Head of AcadeMedia Academy. At...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 26 October 2018

AcadeMedia’s Annual report and Sustainability report is published today

AcadeMedia’s Annual report and Sustainability report is published today A record number of  students, children and participants attend at AcadeMedia’s schools and adult education, and a good financial development ensures that the group is well prepared for the future. This is shown in AcadeMedia’s annual report that is published today. This year’s Annual report also...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 25 October 2018

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – September 2018

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – September 2018 AcadeMedia’s interim report July – September 2018  First quarter (July – September 2018) Net sales increased by 15.0 percent and amounted to SEK 2,343 million (2,037). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 2.8 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) decreased by 27.5 percent to SEK 58 million (80). Adjusted for...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 24 October 2018

Notice of annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Notice of annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) The shareholders of AcadeMedia AB (publ) are summoned to the annual shareholders’ meeting on Thursday 22 November 2018 at 3 p.m. at City Conference Center, Folkets Hus, Barnhusgatan 12-14, Stockholm. Registration starts at 2 p.m. Shareholders who wish to attend the annual shareholders’ meeting must –       ...

IR Press Release 12 October 2018

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2018 /19

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2018 /19 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2018/19 will be published at 08:00 CET on October 25. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CET the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Eola Änggård Runsten will present the...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 04 October 2018

AcadeMedia increases the number of children and students with 4.8 percent organically and 15.7 percent in total

AcadeMedia increases the number of children and students with 4.8 percent organically and 15.7 percent in total The number of children and students in AcadeMedia’s three school segments increased with 15.7 percent for the first quarter of 2018/19 compared with the corresponding period last year. This means that the average number of children and students...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 29 August 2018

AcadeMedia’s Year-end Report 2017/18

AcadeMedia’s Year-end Report 2017/18 Fourth quarter (April – June 2018) Net sales increased by 14.7 percent to SEK 2,993 million (2,610). Organic growth including bolt-on acquisitions amounted to 4.1 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) declined by 20.9 percent to SEK 167 million (211). Adjusted for items affecting comparability, operating profit was SEK 207 million (229). Net...

IR Press Release 15 August 2018

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2017/18

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2017/18 AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2017/18 will be published at 08:00 CET on August 29. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CEST the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Eola Änggård Runsten will present...

IR Press Release 14 August 2018

Veronica Rörsgård new head of AcadeMedia Preschools in Sweden and member of Executive Management

Veronica Rörsgård new head of AcadeMedia Preschools in Sweden and member of Executive Management Veronica Rörsgård has recently joined AcadeMedia as head of Preschools in Sweden. Veronica most recently worked at Skanska, where she held the position as HR and IT Director. Before that Veronica Rörsgård was Managing Director of the recruitment company Alumni. Veronica...

IR Press Release 02 July 2018

AcadeMedia signs a new loan agreement with a total amount of SEK 2,500 million

AcadeMedia signs a new loan agreement with a total amount of SEK 2,500 million On Friday the 29th of June, 2018, AcadeMedia signed a new loan agreement with its financiers involving an extension of the total amount of SEK 2,500 million until the middle of 2023. The new loan agreement is expected to render approximately SEK 10...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 29 June 2018

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia The number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia has changed through issuance of 160,000 C shares carrying one tenth of a vote per share, i.e. in total 16,000 votes. All C shares are owned by the company. The share issue was resolved upon by the...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 28 June 2018

AcadeMedia’s adult education segment takes restructuring expenses of SEK 38 million in the fourth quarter

AcadeMedia’s adult education segment takes restructuring expenses of SEK 38 million in the fourth quarter AcadeMedia’s adult education segment takes restructuring expenses of SEK 38 million in the fourth quarter As previously communicated, the adult education segment is facing a transition period and lower margins. The ongoing transition in combination with a weaker market development...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 25 June 2018

Issue and repurchase of class C shares for incentive program

Issue and repurchase of class C shares for incentive program AcadeMedia AB (publ) announces that the board of directors has resolved to issue 160,000 class C shares and immediately thereafter repurchase all of the issued shares. By virtue of an authorization by the annual general meeting on 24 November 2017, the board of directors of...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 01 June 2018

AcadeMedia’s subsidiary Hermods has reached a settlement with the City of Malmö regarding the SFI-contract

AcadeMedia’s subsidiary Hermods has reached a settlement with the City of Malmö regarding the SFI-contract On March 19, AcadeMedia announced that Hermods had identified a deficiency in their reporting of teacher qualifications to the City of Malmö. Following a dialogue with the City of Malmö a joint agreement has now been reached. On March 19...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 30 May 2018

Demand for repayment of state subsidies from Praktiska relating to time prior to acquisition.

Demand for repayment of state subsidies from Praktiska relating to time prior to acquisition. Praktiska was acquired as part of Vindora on November 1, 2017 and provides upper secondary schools with apprenticeship focus. Relating to this, Praktiska receives state subsidies for the apprenticeships from the Swedish national agency for education which are transferred to the...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 22 May 2018

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM in 2018

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM in 2018 The nomination committee shall comprise one representative for each of the three largest shareholders based on ownership of the company as per the end of the financial year’s third quarter. The chairman of the board shall be a co-opted member (Sw. adjungerad). The Nomination Committee,...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 04 May 2018

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – March 2018

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – March 2018 Third quarter (January– March 2018) Net sales increased by 16.8 percent to SEK 2,967 million (2,540). Organic growth including bolt-on acquisitions amounted to 6.1 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) increased by 7.2 percent to SEK 209 million (195). Adjusted for items affecting comparability, operating profit was SEK 214 million...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 27 April 2018

The investigation regarding Hermods Swedish language training (sfi) for City of Malmö completed

The investigation regarding Hermods Swedish language training (sfi) for City of Malmö completed AcadeMedia announced on March 19 that the company had initiated an externally led independent investigation of its subsidiary Hermods’ Swedish language training (sfi) in Malmö, after an internal review had found that the reported information to the City of Malmö on the...

IR Press Release 19 April 2018

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – March 2017/18

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – March 2017/18 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – March 2017/18 will be published at 08:00 CET on May 4. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CEST the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Eola Änggård Runsten will present the report....

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 13 April 2018

Police report and demand for price reduction due to faulty reporting of contractual obligation regarding certified teachers

Police report and demand for price reduction due to faulty reporting of contractual obligation regarding certified teachers AcadeMedia’s subsidiary Hermods has had a deficiency with regard to the contractual proportion of certified teachers which has been reported earlier. The City of Malmö has now filed a formal police report and communicated a demand for price...

IR Press Release 12 April 2018

Contract signing can start for Vocational and Preparatory modules

Contract signing can start for Vocational and Preparatory modules The right to appeal the Administrative Court’s decision to reject the appeal of the Vocational and Preparatory modules (“yrkes- och studieförberedande moduler, YSM”) has now ended. AcadeMedia can now commence signing of contracts with the Swedish Public Employment Agency. The contract period runs until 2019-10-31 with...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 21 March 2018

Penalty fee possible due to faulty reporting of contractual obligation regarding certified teachers

Penalty fee possible due to faulty reporting of contractual obligation regarding certified teachers Penalty fee possible due to faulty reporting of contractual obligation regarding certified teachers AcadeMedia has in a review of its subsidiary Hermods, which conducts Swedish language training (sfi) for the City of Malmö, identified that Hermods Malmö has had a deficiency with...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 21 March 2018

Administrative Court confirms the allocation decision for Professional and Preparatory modules – AcadeMedia is one step closer to signing contracts

Administrative Court confirms the allocation decision for Professional and Preparatory modules – AcadeMedia is one step closer to signing contracts The Administrative Court has announced that it rejects the applications for review of the Professional and Preparatory modules (“yrkes- och studieförberedande moduler, YSM”). The outcome of the procurement was announced in early July 2017. This...

IR Press Release 19 March 2018

AcadeMedia has initated an investigation regarding Hermods Swedish language training (sfi) for City of Malmö

AcadeMedia has initated an investigation regarding Hermods Swedish language training (sfi) for City of Malmö AcadeMedia has in connection with an investigation of the subsidiary Hermods, which conducts Swedish language training (sfi) for the City of Malmö, identified that Hermods Malmö has submitted incorrect information to the City regarding the teachers who have educated the...

IR Press Release 07 March 2018

Voucher increases for Academedia amounts to 2.5% in Sweden

Voucher increases for Academedia amounts to 2.5% in Sweden Voucher increases for Academedia amounts to 2.5% in Sweden   Voucher decisions are recieved for 81 percent of the student base which gives a stable increase for the Swedish operations. Average voucher increases for 2018 are for AcadeMedias Swedish operations 2.5 (2.3) percent. For the Norwegian...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 01 February 2018

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – December 2017

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – December 2017 Second quarter (October – December 2017) Net sales increased by 12.2 percent to SEK 2,813 million (2,508) of which Vindora represented 6.3 percent. Organic growth including bolt-on acquisitions amounted to 5.4%. Operating profit (EBIT) increased by 16.9 percent to SEK 166 million (142), of which Vindora represented SEK...

IR Press Release 18 January 2018

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2017/18

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2017/18 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2017/18 will be published at 08:00 CET on February 1. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CET the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Eola Änggård Runsten will present the report....

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 29 December 2017

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia The number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia has changed in December 2017 as a result of the rights issue previously announced. The total number of shares in AcadeMedia has increased by 10,513,888 shares, corresponding to 10,513,888 votes. Today, the last trading day of the...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 24 November 2017

Bulletin from annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Bulletin from annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) The following resolutions were passed at AcadeMedia’s annual shareholders’ meeting (the “AGM”) held today, on 24 November, 2017, in Stockholm. Election of the board of directors and auditor  The AGM resolved, in accordance with the proposal from the nomination committee, that the number of board members...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 01 November 2017

Changes in the nomination committee’s proposal for election of board members in AcadeMedia

Changes in the nomination committee’s proposal for election of board members in AcadeMedia Changes in the nomination committee’s proposal for election of board members in AcadeMedia Due to the fact that EQT, after its sale of shares on 26 October 2017, no longer owns any shares in AcadeMedia, Erika Henriksson has informed the nomination committee...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 26 October 2017

AcadeMedia’s annual report 2016/17

AcadeMedia’s annual report 2016/17 AcadeMedia’s annual report for 2016/17 is now available on the corporate website under the following link: https://corporate.old.academedia.duvadev.se/en/financials/reports-presentations/ A PDF-version of the annual report is also available as an attachment to this press release. Shareholders and other interested parties who wish to receive a printed copy of the annual report may order it...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 26 October 2017

AcadeMedia’s interim report July 2017 – September 2017

AcadeMedia’s interim report July 2017 – September 2017 First quarter (July 2017 – September 2017)  Net sales increased by 9.4 percent to SEK 2,037 million (1,862).   Operating profit (EBIT) increased by 17.6 percent to SEK 80 million (68). Adjusted for items affecting comparability, operating profit was SEK 82 million (69).  Net profit for the period...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 24 October 2017

Notice of annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Notice of annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) Right to attend the shareholders’ meeting Shareholders who wish to attend the annual shareholders’ meeting must  be registered in the share register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB on Saturday 18 November 2017, and must also  notify the company of their intention to attend the meeting, no...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 24 October 2017

AcadeMedia decides on a fully covered rights issue of approximately SEK 400 million


IR Press Release 16 October 2017

The Swedish Competition Authority approves AcadeMedia’s acquisition of Vindora

The Swedish Competition Authority approves AcadeMedia’s acquisition of Vindora The Swedish Competition Authority today approved AcadeMedia’s acquisition of Vindora. The acquisition is expected to be completed on November 1, 2017, in line with previous communication. Through the acquisition of Vindora, AcadeMedia will develop and invest in its Swedish operations in the field of vocational education...

IR Press Release 13 October 2017

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2017/18

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2017/18 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2017/18 will be published at 08:00 CET on October 26. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CET the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Eola Änggård Runsten will present the report....

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 03 October 2017

AcadeMedia increases the number of children and students by 4.5 percent

AcadeMedia increases the number of children and students by 4.5 percent The number of children and students in AcadeMedia’s three school segments increases with 4.5 percent during the first quarter of 2017/18 compared to the corresponding period  last year. This means that the average number of children and students attending one of the company’s preschools or...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 12 September 2017

AcadeMedia acquires Vindora for SEK 546 million, partly funded through a rights issue

AcadeMedia acquires Vindora for SEK 546 million, partly funded through a rights issue Through the acquisition of Vindora, AcadeMedia will develope and invest in its Swedish operations in the field of vocational education with 33 upper secondary schools under the brand of Praktiska, three upper secondary schools under the brand of Hagströmska as well as...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 30 August 2017

AcadeMedia’s Year-end Report 2016/17

AcadeMedia’s Year-end Report 2016/17 Fourth quarter (April 2017 – June 2017) Net sales increased by 9.8 percent to SEK 2,610, million (2,378). Operating profit (EBIT) decreased slightly to SEK 211 million (218). Adjusted for items affecting comparability, operating profit was SEK 229 million (238). Net profit for the period was SEK 154 million (140). Cash...

IR Press Release 16 August 2017

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2016/17

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2016/17 AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2016/17 will be published at 08:00 CET on August 30. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CET the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Eola Änggård Runsten will present...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 08 July 2017

Change in AcadeMedia’s contract portfolio in Adult Education leads to lower margins, but with potential for increased volumes

Change in AcadeMedia’s contract portfolio in Adult Education leads to lower margins, but with potential for increased volumes Contract for Professional and Preparatory Modules replaces Basic Modules One of the most significant contracts is that for Basic Modules (“grundläggande moduler”). This contract for Basic Modules expires on January 8, 2018. The tender process for the next...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 31 May 2017

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia The number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia has changed by an issue of 524,997 common shares in conjunction with the acquisition of Step Kids Education GmbH (Stepke) Today, the last trading day of the month, there are in total 94,789,997 shares in AcadeMedia. 94,624,997...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 24 May 2017

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM in 2017

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM in 2017 The nomination committee shall comprise one representative for each of the three largest shareholders based on ownership of the company as per the end of the financial year’s third quarter. The chairman of the board shall be a co-opted member (Sw. adjungerad). The Nomination Committee,...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 10 May 2017

AcadeMedia’s interim report July 2016 – March 2017

AcadeMedia’s interim report July 2016 – March 2017 Third quarter (Jan 2017 – March 2017) Net sales increased by 9.7 percent to SEK 2,540 million (2,316). Operating profit (EBIT) decreased slightly to SEK 195 million (196). Adjusted for items affecting comparability, operating profit was SEK 197 million (199). Net profit for the period was SEK...

IR Press Release 26 April 2017

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s interim report January – March 2016/17

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s interim report January – March 2016/17 AcadeMedia’s interim report for January-March 2016/17 will be published at 08:00 CET on May 10. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CET the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Eola Änggård Runsten will present the report. The presentation will...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 18 April 2017

AcadeMedia AB (publ) is growing in Germany, acquires preschool company Stepke

AcadeMedia AB (publ) is growing in Germany, acquires preschool company Stepke – It is exciting to take this next step in the development of AcadeMedia in Germany. In Stepke we see another high quality preschool company to learn from and to develop together with our colleagues in the existing German operations, says Marcus Strömberg, CEO...

IR Press Release 21 March 2017

Voucher increases for Academedia amounts to 2.3% in Sweden

Voucher increases for Academedia amounts to 2.3% in Sweden Voucher decisions have now been recieved for 89 percent of the student base which gives a stable increase for the Swedish operations. Average voucher increases for 2017 are for AcadeMedias Swedish operations 2.3 percent. For the Norwegian Preschools in the Espira Group 1.9 percent. The increases...

IR Press Release 13 February 2017

Mellby Gård increases its holding in AcadeMedia

Mellby Gård increases its holding in AcadeMedia “The decision felt natural. We want to be part of building Sweden into an even stronger knowledge nation”, says Johan Andersson, CEO of Mellby Gård. AcadeMedia operates throughout the education system, from preschool to adult education and is northern Europe’s leading independent education provider. Marcus Strömberg, CEO of...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 07 February 2017

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – December 2016

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – December 2016 Second quarter (October 2016 – December 2016) Net sales increased by 12.0 percent to SEK 2,508 million (2,239). Operating profit (EBIT) increased by 57.8 percent to SEK 142 million (90). Adjusted for non-recurring items, operating profit was SEK 142 million (97). Net profit for the period was SEK...

IR Press Release 26 January 2017

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report October – December 2016/17

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report October – December 2016/17 The presentation will be held in English and can be followed on the web or over the phone. It will be followed by a Q&A session. To participate in the conference call, and thereby be able to ask questions, call one of the following...

IR Press Release 19 January 2017

New Business Development Director at AcadeMedia

New Business Development Director at AcadeMedia Kristofer Hammar has until now worked with business development, AcadeMedia’s acquisitions and international expansion. “Kristofer will be an important addition to AcadeMedia’s Group Management Committee. His experience within the organization and his work with our international expansion has been very successful and I look forward to working more closely...

IR Press Release 11 January 2017

Changes in AcadeMedia’s Group Management

Changes in AcadeMedia’s Group Management “I have had a fantastic journey during almost ten years with AcadeMedia. We have been constantly challenged and at the same time AcadeMedia has developed as an organization. Now I feel the time is right for others to take over and for me to do other things”, he says. Martin...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 17 November 2016

Bulletin from annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Bulletin from annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) Election of the board of directors and auditorsThe AGM resolved, in accordance with the proposal from the nomination committee, that the number of board members appointed by the shareholders’ meeting shall be six without deputies. Ulf Mattsson, Harry Klagsbrun, Helen Fasth Gillstedt, Erika Henriksson, Silvija Seres...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 08 November 2016

AcadeMedia’s quarterly report July-September 2016/17

AcadeMedia’s quarterly report July-September 2016/17 First quarter (July 2016 – September 2016) Net sales increased by 10.9 percent to SEK 1,862 million (1,679). Operating profit (EBIT) increased by 119.4 percent to SEK 68 million (31). Adjusted for items affecting comparability the operating profit was SEK 69 million (34). Profit for the period was SEK 41...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 31 October 2016

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia The share issue was resolved upon by the board of directors on 26 September 2016, on the basis of an authorization by the extraordinary general meeting in the company held on 1 June 2016. The share issue forms part of the company’s long term incentive...

IR Press Release 27 October 2016

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report July-September 2016/17

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report July-September 2016/17 The presentation will be held in English and can be followed on the web or over the phone. It will be followed by a Q&A session. To participate in the conference call, and thereby be able to ask questions, call one of the following numbers ten...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 20 October 2016

AcadeMedia’s annual report 2015/16

AcadeMedia’s annual report 2015/16 AcadeMedia’s annual report for 2015/16 is now available on the corporate website under the following link: https://corporate.old.academedia.duvadev.se/en/financials/reports-presentations/ A PDF-version of the annual report is also available as an attachment to this press release. Shareholders and other interested parties who wish to receive a printed copy of the annual report may order it...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 18 October 2016

Notice of annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Notice of annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) Right to attend the shareholders’ meetingShareholders who wish to attend the shareholders’ meeting must be registered in the share register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB on Friday 11 November 2016, and must also notify the company of their intention to attend the meeting, no later than...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 30 September 2016

AcadeMedia increases the number of children and students by 4.9 percent

AcadeMedia increases the number of children and students by 4.9 percent This means that the average number of children and students attending one of the company’s preschools or schools is 65 143 (62 103) during the quarter. The numbers are preliminary. At the beginning of the fall semester one preschool in Sweden and three in...

IR Press Release 26 September 2016

Issue and repurchase of class C shares for incentive program

Issue and repurchase of class C shares for incentive program The purpose of the issue and the repurchase is to ensure delivery of shares to employees within AcadeMedia under the long term incentive program, adopted by the general meeting on 1 June 2016. The class C shares will be converted into ordinary shares prior to...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 30 August 2016

AcadeMedia’s Year-End Report 2015/16

AcadeMedia’s Year-End Report 2015/16 AcadeMedia’s Year-End Report 2015/16   Fourth quarter (April 2016 – June 2016) Net sales increased by 8.1 percent to SEK 2,378 million (2,199). Operating profit (EBIT) increased by 35.4 percent to SEK 218 million (161). Adjusted for items affecting comparability the operating profit was SEK 238 million (237). Profit for the...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 22 August 2016

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM in 2016

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM in 2016 The Nomination Committee, which is appointed in accordance with the principles adopted by the Annual General Meeting December 18, 2015, consists of: Erika Henriksson *, Marvin Holding Limited Rune Andersson, Mellby Gård Johan Lannebo, Lannebo Fonder Ulf Mattsson * (Chairman of the Board) Chairman of...

IR Press Release 17 August 2016

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s full year results for July-June 2015/16

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s full year results for July-June 2015/16 The presentation will be held in English and can be followed on the web or over the phone. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session. To participate in the conference call, and thereby be able to ask questions, call one of the...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 01 July 2016

Exercise of the over-allotment option

Exercise of the over-allotment option For more information, see corporate.old.academedia.duvadev.se/en/ipo/

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 30 June 2016

Number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia

Number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia Today, the last trading day of the month, there are in total 94,100,000 shares and votes in AcadeMedia. For further information, please contact: Paula Hammerskog, Communications Director at AcadeMedia Telephone: +46 73 334 87 50 E-mail: paula.hammerskog@old.academedia.duvadev.se Christian Hall, Investor Relations at AcadeMedia Telephone: +46 76 311 12 42 E-mail:...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 15 June 2016

First day of trading in the AcadeMedia share

First day of trading in the AcadeMedia share For more information, see corporate.old.academedia.duvadev.se/en/ipo/

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 02 June 2016

AcadeMedia publishes prospectus for Initial Public Offering on Nasdaq Stockholm

AcadeMedia publishes prospectus for Initial Public Offering on Nasdaq Stockholm For more information, see corporate.old.academedia.duvadev.se/en/ipo/

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 27 May 2016

AcadeMedia intends to list its shares on Nasdaq Stockholm


Investor relations

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 08 April 2024

Richard Sjöberg new Head of Communications at AcadeMedia

Richard Sjöberg new Head of Communications at AcadeMedia Richard Sjöberg has been appointed Head of Communications and member of the executive management team at AcadeMedia. He will assume the position on 15 April 2024. – Communication is important for an education company like AcadeMedia, where the work we do every day affects and engages many...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 28 March 2024

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia The number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia AB has during March 2024 decreased through redemption of ordinary shares due to the voluntary redemption program, adopted at the Annual General Meeting on 30 November 2023. In total, the number of shares and votes has decreased...

IR Press Release 15 March 2024

AcadeMedia Group CEO returns after temporary sick leave

AcadeMedia Group CEO returns after temporary sick leave AcadeMedia announces that Group CEO Marcus Strömberg will return to office on 18 March 2024 after a temporary leave of absence for a planned surgery. Katarina Wilson, who has held the position of acting CEO during Marcus Strömberg’s absence, will return to her role as deputy CEO...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 12 March 2024

Announcement of the result of AcadeMedia’s voluntary redemption program

Announcement of the result of AcadeMedia’s voluntary redemption program AcadeMedia announces the result of the company’s voluntary redemption program. The redemption program comprised a total of not more than 4,223,502 ordinary shares in AcadeMedia. Upon completion of the application period, a total of 4,095,867 ordinary shares have been submitted for redemption, corresponding to an acceptance...

IR Press Release 18 February 2024

Mellby Gård stays as the largest owner in AcadeMedia

Mellby Gård stays as the largest owner in AcadeMedia AcadeMedia has today been informed that Mellby Gård and Akelius Foundation have agreed to cancel the agreement according to which Akelius Foundation would acquire Mellby Gård’s entire holding in AcadeMedia. This means that Mellby Gård will remain as AcadeMedia’s largest owner with 24,4% of the shares....

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 16 February 2024

The Board of AcadeMedia has set the terms for the voluntary redemption program

The Board of AcadeMedia has set the terms for the voluntary redemption program On 30 November 2023, AcadeMedia’s Annual General Meeting resolved, in accordance with the proposal from the Board, on a voluntary redemption program, comprising a reduction of the share capital for repayment to the shareholders and a bonus issue without issuance of new...

IR Press Release, News 15 February 2024

Statement from AcadeMedia’s board regarding the change of ownership

Statement from AcadeMedia’s board regarding the change of ownership Mellby Gård, who is the largest owner of AcadeMedia since 2016, has announced that it will sell its shares to the Akelius Foundation (trough Akelius Apartments Ltd). The Akelius Foundation will thus become the new main owner of AcadeMedia when the relevant authorities have approved the...

IR Press Release 13 February 2024

Mellby Gård sells all shares in AcadeMedia to Akelius Foundation

Mellby Gård sells all shares in AcadeMedia to Akelius Foundation AcadeMedia has tonight been informed that Akelius Foundation, and Mellby Gård AB have entered into an agreement whereby Akelius Foundation will acquire all Mellby Gård’s shares in AcadeMedia AB (publ) (“AcadeMedia”). The shareholding represents 25,802,981 shares, corresponding to 24.4 percent of the total number of...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 08 February 2024

AcadeMedia acquires Touhula in Finland

AcadeMedia acquires Touhula in Finland AcadeMedia has signed an agreement to acquire all shares in Touhula Päiväkodit. The acquisition includes 113 preschools with about 7,700 children in Finland and is in line with AcadeMedia’s strategy to grow internationally. Touhula had a turnover in 2023 of about EUR 100 million and EBIT of about EUR 3...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 01 February 2024

AcadeMedia’s interim report, July 2023 – December 2023

AcadeMedia’s interim report, July 2023 – December 2023     Second quarter (October – December 2023) Net sales increased by 9.7 percent and amounted to SEK 4 433 million (4,041). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 8.5 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 305 million (266). Adjusted operating profit, adjusted for items affecting comparability...

IR Press Release 23 January 2024

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2023/24

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2023/24 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2023/24 will be published at 08:00 CET on 1 February. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CET the same day, where acting CEO Katarina Wilson and acting CFO Hanna...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 19 January 2024

AcadeMedia Group CEO to take temporary leave of absence for planned surgery

AcadeMedia Group CEO to take temporary leave of absence for planned surgery Today, AcadeMedia announced that the Group CEO, Marcus Strömberg, as of 22 January is to take temporary leave of absence for a planned surgery. A shorter convalescence period will follow the surgery. Katarina Wilson, deputy CEO at AcadeMedia, is appointed acting CEO during...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 15 January 2024

Petter Sylvan new CFO at AcadeMedia

Petter Sylvan new CFO at AcadeMedia Petter Sylvan has been appointed CFO and member of the executive management team at AcadeMedia. He will assume the position on 4 March 2024. – I am very pleased to welcome Petter Sylvan as new CFO at AcadeMedia. His leadership skills, long experience as CFO, and experience from taking...

IR Press Release 11 January 2024

AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education awarded 30 percent more educational places compared to last year and gains market share

AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education awarded 30 percent more educational places compared to last year and gains market share AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education business has been awarded more than 9,500 (7,364) educational places, announced today by the Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education. The award is an increase of about 30 percent compared to last...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 11 December 2023

Change in AcadeMedia’s Executive Management Team

Change in AcadeMedia’s Executive Management Team Paula Hammerskog, communications director since 2012 and member of the executive management team, has decided to leave AcadeMedia. The process of recruiting a successor has begun and Paula Hammerskog will remain until a new communications director is appointed. – I am grateful for the time I have spent at...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 30 November 2023

Bulletin from Annual General Meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Bulletin from Annual General Meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) The following resolutions were passed at AcadeMedia’s Annual General Meeting held today, on 30 November 2023 in Stockholm. Election of the Board of Directors and auditor The Annual General Meeting resolved, in accordance with the proposal from the nomination committee, that the number of board members...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 27 October 2023

The Nomination Committee’s proposal for the election of the Board of Directors of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

The Nomination Committee’s proposal for the election of the Board of Directors of AcadeMedia AB (publ) The Nomination Committee of AcadeMedia presents the following proposal for a decision at the Annual General Meeting on November 30, 2023, regarding the number of Board members and the election of members and Chairman of the Board. The Nomination...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 27 October 2023

Notice of Annual General Meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Notice of Annual General Meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) N.B. This is a non-official translation of the Swedish original wording. In case of differences between the English translation and the Swedish original, the Swedish text shall prevail. The shareholders of AcadeMedia AB (publ), reg, no. 556846-0231, with its registered office in Stockholm, are summoned to...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 25 October 2023

AcadeMedia publishes the Annual and Sustainability report for 2022/2023

AcadeMedia publishes the Annual and Sustainability report for 2022/2023 AcadeMedia’s 2022/2023 Annual Report is now available on the corporate website, and as an attached pdf to this press release. The Sustainability report is located on pages 13-41. https://old.academedia.duvadev.se/en/investors/reports-and-presentations/ With consideration to the environment, this Annual and Sustainability report is only published digitally. For more information,...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 25 October 2023

AcadeMedia’s interim report, July 2023 – September 2023

AcadeMedia’s interim report, July 2023 – September 2023 First quarter (July – September 2023) Net sales increased by 10.5 percent and amounted to SEK 3,430 million (3,104). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 6.5 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 232 million (239). Adjusted operating profit, adjusted for items affecting comparability and effects of...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 24 October 2023

The Board of AcadeMedia proposes a voluntary share redemption program

The Board of AcadeMedia proposes a voluntary share redemption program The Board of AcadeMedia has resolved to propose that the Annual General Meeting on 30 November 2023 resolves on a voluntary redemption program. AcadeMedia has over time achieved a solid financial position as a result of the development efforts and investments made during several years....

IR Press Release 16 October 2023

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2023/24

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2023/24 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2023/24 will be published at 08:00 CEST on 25 October. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CEST the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg, deputy CEO Katarina Wilson, and...

IR Press Release 04 October 2023

AcadeMedia acquire Berghs School of Communication in Sweden

AcadeMedia acquire Berghs School of Communication in Sweden AcadeMedia has acquired all shares in Berghs School of Communication in Sweden. Berghs is a school with excellent international reputation. Their specialisation in communication education complements AcadeMedia’s existing adult education business. Berghs had a turnover in 2022 of approximately SEK 84 million. Berghs, with its strong brand and...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 29 September 2023

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia The number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia AB has during September 2023 increased through conversion of convertible bonds relating to the convertible program for employees within the AcadeMedia group, adopted at the Annual General Meeting on 22 November 2018. In total, the number of...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 30 August 2023

AcadeMedia’s year-end report July 2022 – June 2023

AcadeMedia’s year-end report July 2022 – June 2023 Fourth quarter (April – June 2023) Net sales increased by 9.0 percent and amounted to SEK 4,199 million (3,851). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 7.2 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 404 million (337). Adjusted operating profit, adjusted for items affecting comparability and effects of...

IR Press Release 21 August 2023

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2022/23

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2022/23 AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2022/23 will be published at 08:00 CEST on 30 August. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CEST the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and deputy CEO...

IR Press Release 15 August 2023

AcadeMedia acquires Winford College, broadening its Dutch business

AcadeMedia acquires Winford College, broadening its Dutch business AcadeMedia has acquired all shares in Winford College BV. The acquisition includes compulsory and upper secondary school and broadens AcadeMedia’s existing business in the Netherlands to include education from preschool to upper secondary school. Winford College had a turnover in 2022/23 of approximately EUR 13.6 million and...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 19 July 2023

AcadeMedia announces preliminary financial results for the fourth quarter 2022/2023

AcadeMedia announces preliminary financial results for the fourth quarter 2022/2023 AcadeMedia’s net sales increased by 9.0 percent in the fourth quarter and are anticipated to be SEK 4 200 million (3 851). The average number of children and students, excluding the Adult Education Segment, increased by 6.1 percent to 98,988 (93,308). Adjusted operating profit increased...

IR Press Release 22 June 2023

AcadeMedia announces changes in its Executive Management Team

AcadeMedia announces changes in its Executive Management Team Katarina Wilson will assume her new position as deputy CEO on 1 July, with responsibility for the operational activities, as well as the support functions IT, property and market. Jimmy Kjellström, who was acting head of the Upper Secondary School Segment, will assume the position permanently. Hanna...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 11 May 2023

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM 2023

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM 2023 In accordance with the principles adopted by the Annual General Meeting 2020, the Nomination Committee shall comprise one representative for each of the three largest shareholders based on ownership of the company as per the end of the financial year’s third quarter. Should one of the...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 05 May 2023

AcadeMedias delårsrapport juli 2022 – mars 2023

AcadeMedias delårsrapport juli 2022 – mars 2023 Summary of the third quarter (January – March 2023) Net sales increased by 10.3 percent and amounted to SEK 4,195 million (3,802). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 7.5 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 361 million (313). Adjusted operating profit, adjusted for items affecting comparability and...

IR Press Release 21 April 2023

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – March 2022/23

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – March 2022/23 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – March 2022/23 will be published at 08:00 CEST on 5 May. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CEST the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Katarina Wilson will...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 16 April 2023

AcadeMedia announces changes in its Executive Management Team

AcadeMedia announces changes in its Executive Management Team Katarina Wilson, CFO at AcadeMedia since 2019 has been offered and accepted the role of deputy CEO at AcadeMedia. Karl Sandlund, COO and member of the executive management team, will leave for a new assignment outside of AcadeMedia. – Katarina is a valued leader with broad experience...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 02 February 2023

AcadeMedia’s interim report, July – December 2022

AcadeMedia’s interim report, July – December 2022 Summary of the second quarter (October – December 2022) Net sales increased by 7.1 percent and amounted to SEK 4,041 million (3,774). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 4.3 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 266 million (342). Adjusted operating profit, adjusted for items affecting comparability and...

IR Press Release 19 January 2023

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2022/23

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2022/23 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2022/23 will be published at 08:00 CET on 2 February. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CET the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Katarina Wilson will...

IR Press Release 12 January 2023

AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education awarded 7,300 educational places and gains market share

AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education awarded 7,300 educational places and gains market share AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education business was awarded more than 7,300 educational places and gains market share. The number of granted applications was announced by the Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education. The award means that AcadeMedia’s total number of educational places for...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 30 November 2022

Bulletin from annual general meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Bulletin from annual general meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) The following resolutions were passed at AcadeMedia’s annual general meeting (the “AGM”) held today, on 30 November 2022 in Stockholm. Election of the board of directors and auditor The AGM resolved, in accordance with the proposal from the nomination committee, that the number of board members...

IR Press Release 08 November 2022

AcadeMedia acquires FAWZ and broaden its German business

AcadeMedia acquires FAWZ and broaden its German business AcadeMedia has acquired all shares in Fürstenwalder Aus- und Weiterbildungszentrum gGmbH (FAWZ). The acquisition includes operations in preschool, compulsory school, upper secondary school, and adult education, and it broadens AcadeMedia’s existing business in Germany to include education from preschool to adult education. FAWZ had a turnover in...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 07 November 2022

AcadeMedia clarifies its dividend policy and introduces new financial key performance indicators

AcadeMedia clarifies its dividend policy and introduces new financial key performance indicators The Board of Directors at AcadeMedia has decided to clarify the Group’s dividend policy and at the same time introduce new financial key performance indicators relating to capital structure. The background to the decision is to clarify AcadeMedia’s capital structure and how capital...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 25 October 2022

AcadeMedia publishes the Annual and Sustainability report for 2021/2022

AcadeMedia publishes the Annual and Sustainability report for 2021/2022 AcadeMedia’s 2021/2022 Annual Report is now available on the corporate website, and as an attached pdf to this press release. The Sustainability report is located on pages 14-42. https://old.academedia.duvadev.se/en/investors/reports-and-presentations/ With consideration to the environment, this Annual and Sustainability report is only published digitally. For more information,...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 25 October 2022

Notice of annual general meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Notice of annual general meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) N.B. This is a non-official translation of the Swedish original wording. In case of differences between the English translation and the Swedish original, the Swedish text shall prevail. The shareholders of AcadeMedia AB (publ), reg, no. 556846-0231, with its registered office in Stockholm, are summoned to...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 25 October 2022

AcadeMedia’s interim report, July – September 2022

AcadeMedia’s interim report, July – September 2022 First quarter (July 2022 – September 2022) Net sales increased by 6.6 percent and amounted to SEK 3,104 million (2,911). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 4.5 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 239 million (233). Adjusted operating profit, adjusted for items affecting comparability and effects of...

IR Press Release 14 October 2022

AcadeMedia comments on the incoming government’s agreement concerning schools

AcadeMedia comments on the incoming government’s agreement concerning schools In relation to the agreement made by the incoming government (Tidö Agreement), AcadeMedia submits the following comment:   – We welcome many of the proposals in the Tidö Agreement and look forward to the proposals being investigated and implemented. Many of the proposals AcadeMedia has developed over...

IR Press Release 12 October 2022

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2022/23

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2022/23 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2022/23 will be published at 08:00 CEST on 25 October. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CEST the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Katarina Wilson will...

IR Press Release 04 October 2022

AcadeMedia is negotiating an acquisition in Germany

AcadeMedia is negotiating an acquisition in Germany AcadeMedia has initiated negotiations to acquire Fürstenwalder Aus- und Weiterbildungszentrum gGmbH with compulsory school and adult education business in Brandenburg Germany. The business had a turnover in 2021 of approximately EUR 22 millon. A potential deal would increase AcadeMedias’s presence in Germany, which is in line with the...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 30 September 2022

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia The number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia AB has during September 2022 increased through conversion of convertible bonds relating to the convertible program for employees within the AcadeMedia group, adopted at the Annual General Meeting on 22 November 2018. In total, the number of...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 30 August 2022

AcadeMedia’s year-end report July 2021 – April 2022

AcadeMedia’s year-end report July 2021 – April 2022 Fourth quarter (April – June 2022) Net sales increased by 4.9 percent and amounted to SEK 3,851 million (3,672). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 3.7 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 337 million (330). Adjusted operating profit, adjusted for items affecting comparability and effects of...

IR Press Release 19 August 2022

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2021/22

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2021/22 AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2021/22 will be published at 08:00 CEST on Tuesday 30 August. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CEST the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 19 August 2022

Håkan Sörman proposed as new Chairman and Mikael Helmerson as a new member of the Board of Directors of AcadeMedia

Håkan Sörman proposed as new Chairman and Mikael Helmerson as a new member of the Board of Directors of AcadeMedia The Nomination Committee of AcadeMedia will propose that Håkan Sörman, member of AcadeMedia’s Board since 2017, shall be elected as new Chairman and Mikael Helmerson as a new member of the Board at AcadeMedia’s Annual...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 20 July 2022

AcadeMedia announces preliminary financial results for the fourth quarter 2021/2022

AcadeMedia announces preliminary financial results for the fourth quarter 2021/2022 AcadeMedia’s net sales increased by 4.9 percent in the fourth quarter and are anticipated to be SEK 3 850 million (3 672). The average number of children and students, excluding the Adult Education Segment, increased by 3.6 percent to 93,308 (90,032). Adjusted operating profit is...

IR Press Release 13 July 2022

AcadeMedia is to publish preliminary results for the fourth quarter 2021/22 on Wednesday 20 July

AcadeMedia is to publish preliminary results for the fourth quarter 2021/22 on Wednesday 20 July AcadeMedia is to publish the group’s preliminary results for the fourth quarter 2021/22 on Wednesday 20 July at 08:00 CEST. All figures will be preliminary and unaudited. AcadeMedia will not provide any additional comments until after the publication of its...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 12 July 2022

AcadeMedia announces changes in its Executive Management Team

AcadeMedia announces changes in its Executive Management Team Veronica Rörsgård, head of the Swedish preschools will leave AcadeMedia for a new assignment outside the company. Veronica Rörsgård has left the executive management team. Veronica Rörsgård was due to assume the position of head of the Preschool Segment on July 1st, 2022. A recruitment process has...

IR Press Release 08 July 2022

AcadeMedia acquires Changemaker Educations AB and continue the expansion within game education

AcadeMedia acquires Changemaker Educations AB and continue the expansion within game education AcadeMedia has entered into an agreement to acquire all shares in Changemaker Education AB for SEK 60 million. The company, which run Futuregames, has consistently ranked as one of the best game educations in the world for the past 25 years. AcadeMedia already...

IR Press Release 06 July 2022

AcadeMedia signs a new loan agreement

AcadeMedia signs a new loan agreement AcadeMedia has signed a new loan agreement with DNB and SEB to refinance existing loans to an amount of SEK 1,650 million until the middle of 2025 with the possibility to extend until 2027. Annual amortization will decrease by SEK 34 million which will positively impact cash flow. Following...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 05 May 2022

AcadeMedia’s interim report July 2021 – March 2022

AcadeMedia’s interim report July 2021 – March 2022 Third quarter (January – March 2022) Net sales increased by 5.9 percent and amounted to SEK 3,802 million (3,591). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 4.7 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 313 million (346). Adjusted operating profit, adjusted for items affecting comparability and effects of...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 02 May 2022

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM 2022

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM 2022 In accordance with the principles adopted by the Annual General Meeting 2020, the nomination committee shall comprise one representative for each of the three largest shareholders based on ownership of the company as per the end of the financial year’s third quarter. The chairman of the...

IR Press Release 21 April 2022

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – March 2021/22

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – March 2021/22 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – March 2021/22 will be published at 08:00 CEST on Thursday 5 May. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CEST the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Katarina Wilson...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 04 April 2022

AcadeMedia announces changes in its Executive Management Team

AcadeMedia announces changes in its Executive Management Team Following AcadeMedia’s significant growth in recent years both in Sweden and internationally, several changes in its Executive Management Team are announced. Karl Sandlund is appointed COO at AcadeMedia Karl Sandlund is appointed COO, a new position at AcadeMedia and will be a member of the Executive Management...

IR Press Release 04 April 2022

Karl Sandlund is appointed COO at AcadeMedia

Karl Sandlund is appointed COO at AcadeMedia Karl Sandlund is appointed COO, a new position at AcadeMedia and will be a member of the Executive Management team. AcadeMedia has grown substantially in recent years and to strengthen and develop the management function this new position is established. – I’m very pleased to welcome Karl to...

IR Press Release 01 April 2022

AcadeMedia completes platform acquisition in the Netherlands

AcadeMedia completes platform acquisition in the Netherlands AcadeMedia has entered into an agreement to acquire all shares in the preschool companies Blokkentrein and Le Garage Kinderopvang. The acquisition is a platform acquisition into the Dutch market and open up for continued international expansion. The acquisition includes two preschools with about 240 children and an annual...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 31 March 2022

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia The number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia AB has during March 2022 increased through conversion of convertible bonds relating to the convertible program for employees within the AcadeMedia group, adopted at the Annual General Meeting on 22 November 2018. In total, the number of...

IR Press Release 07 March 2022

AcadeMedia announces a change in its Executive Management Team

AcadeMedia announces a change in its Executive Management Team Jens Eriksson, head of Upper Secondary School Segment and Compulsory School Segment and part of the executive management team, has decided to leave AcadeMedia for a new assignment outside the company. Jens Eriksson will leave his role on 23 June 2022. A recruitment process has been...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 01 February 2022

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – December 2021

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – December 2021 Second quarter (October – December 2021) Net sales increased by 9.8 percent and amounted to SEK 3,774 million (3,436). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 6.0 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 342 million (273). Adjusted operating profit, adjusted for items affecting comparability and effects of IFRS...

IR Press Release 25 January 2022

AcadeMedia acquires Sandviks AS and enters the educational products and services market

AcadeMedia acquires Sandviks AS and enters the educational products and services market AcadeMedia has entered into an agreement to acquire all shares in Sandviks AS for NOK 87 million. The company primarily offers products and services that inspire children to read at an early age. With the acquisition, AcadeMedia initiates a new business area offering...

IR Press Release 18 January 2022

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2021/22

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2021/22 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2021/22 will be published at 08:00 CET on Tuesday 1 February. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CET the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Katarina Wilson...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 30 November 2021

Bulletin from annual general meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Bulletin from annual general meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) The following resolutions were passed at AcadeMedia’s annual general meeting (the “AGM”) held today, on 30 November 2021 in Stockholm. Election of the board of directors and auditor The AGM resolved, in accordance with the proposal from the nomination committee, that the number of board members...

IR Press Release 01 November 2021

AcadeMedia plan for more openings in Germany

AcadeMedia plan for more openings in Germany AcadeMedia has decided to open 600 additional preschool places in Germany. This means that the plan now is to open 3,300 preschool places in total in regions where demand is high. Today, five years after opening, AcadeMedia has places for more than 5,000 preschool children in Germany, distributed...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 29 October 2021

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – September 2021

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – September 2021 First quarter (July – September 2021) Net sales increased by 10.2 percent and amounted to SEK 2,911 million (2,641). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 6.8 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 233 million (221). Adjusted operating profit, adjusted for items affecting comparability and effects of IFRS...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 29 October 2021

Notice of annual general meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Notice of annual general meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) The shareholders of AcadeMedia AB (publ), reg, no. 556846-0231, with its registered office in Stockholm, are summoned to the annual general meeting (AGM) on Tuesday 30 November 2021 at 2 p.m. at Näringslivets Hus, Storgatan 19, Stockholm. Registration starts at 1 p.m.   Timeline: Record Date  ...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 29 October 2021

AcadeMedia publishes the Annual and Sustainability report for 2020/2021

AcadeMedia publishes the Annual and Sustainability report for 2020/2021 The pandemic left its mark on the fiscal year, ending 30 June 2021. In the combined Annual and Sustainability report published today, AcadeMedia describes how the pandemic caused the education sector to take a major digital step forward and how the Adult Education Segment has been...

IR Press Release 15 October 2021

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2021/22

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2021/22 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2021/22 will be published at 08:00 CEST on 29 October. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CEST the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Katarina Wilson will...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 08 October 2021

Jan Bernhardsson proposed as new member of the Board of Directors of AcadeMedia

Jan Bernhardsson proposed as new member of the Board of Directors of AcadeMedia The Nomination Committee of AcadeMedia will propose that Jan Bernhardsson shall be elected as a new member of the Board of Directors at AcadeMedia’s Annual General Meeting on 30 November 2021. Anki Bystedt has announced that she will leave the Board at...

IR Press Release 29 September 2021

The number of participants at AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education schools increase with 25 percent to more than 10,000 participants

The number of participants at AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education schools increase with 25 percent to more than 10,000 participants AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education had a record-breaking start with more than 10,200 participants, an increase of 25 percent compared to the last fiscal year. Swedish Education Group AB, acquired in December 2020, contributed with 19 percentage...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 31 August 2021

AcadeMedia’s Year-end Report July 2020 – June 2021

AcadeMedia’s Year-end Report July 2020 – June 2021 Fourth quarter (April – June 2021) Net sales increased by 13.8 percent and amounted to SEK 3,672 million (3,227). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions and adjusted for currency effects, was 10.4 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 329 million (334). Adjusted operating profit, adjusted for items...

IR Press Release 17 August 2021

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2020/21

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2020/21 AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2020/21 will be published at 08:00 CEST on 31 August. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CEST the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Katarina...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 31 May 2021

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia The number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia AB has during May 2021 increased through conversion of warrants relating to the warrant program for group management adopted at the Annual General Meeting on 24 November 2017 (Warrant program 2017/2021). In total, the number of shares...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 10 May 2021

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM 2021

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM 2021 The nomination committee shall comprise one representative for each of the three largest shareholders based on ownership of the company as per the end of the financial year’s third quarter. The chairman of the board shall be a co-opted member (Sw. adjungerad). Should one of the...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 06 May 2021

AcadeMedia’s interim report July 2020 – March 2021

AcadeMedia’s interim report July 2020 – March 2021 Third quarter (January – March 2021) Net sales increased by 9.3 percent and amounted to SEK 3,591 million (3,284). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions and adjusted for currency effects, was 7.3 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 345 million (309). Adjusted operating profit, adjusted for items...

IR Press Release 22 April 2021

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – March 2020/21

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – March 2020/21 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – March 2020/21 will be published at 08:00 CEST on 6 May. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CEST the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Katarina Wilson will...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 31 March 2021

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia The number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia AB has during March 2021 increased through conversion of warrants relating to the warrant program for group management adopted at the Annual General Meeting on 24 November 2017 (Warrant program 2017/2021). In total, the number of shares...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 26 February 2021

Change in the number of votes in AcadeMedia

Change in the number of votes in AcadeMedia The votes in AcadeMedia has changed through conversion of 42,337 C shares to 42,337 ordinary shares. These shares now have one vote per share, totally 42,337 votes.  The conversion follows that all criteria in AcadeMedia’s share-based incentive program, adopted by the Annual General Meeting on November 24,...

IR Press Release 16 February 2021

AcadeMedia’s CEO has acquired synthetic options relating to AcadeMedia and will divest part of his shareholding

AcadeMedia’s CEO has acquired synthetic options relating to AcadeMedia and will divest part of his shareholding The Board of Directors in AcadeMedia AB (publ) has been informed by the company’s principal shareholder Mellby Gård AB that the CEO of AcadeMedia, Marcus Strömberg, has acquired synthetic options relating to AcadeMedia issued by Mellby Gård. Marcus Strömberg...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 03 February 2021

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – December 2020

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – December 2020 Second quarter (October – December 2020) Net sales increased by 5.5 percent and amounted to SEK 3,436 million (3,258). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions and adjusted for currency effects, was 7.3 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 273 million (201). Adjusted operating profit, adjusted for items affecting...

IR Press Release 22 January 2021

AcadeMedia announces a change in its Executive Management Team

AcadeMedia announces a change in its Executive Management Team Paula Hammerskog is appointed Head of Communications at AcadeMedia. The current Head of Communications Annette Lilliestierna has decided to leave the company. The transition will take place on 1 February 2021. Paula Hammerskog, currently Head of Safety and Security at AcadeMedia, has extensive experience from various...

IR Press Release 20 January 2021

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2020/21

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2020/21 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2020/21 will be published at 08:00 CET on 3 February. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CET the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Katarina Wilson will...

IR Press Release 19 January 2021

A new record allocation of higher vocational training for AcadeMedia

A new record allocation of higher vocational training for AcadeMedia AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education business has been awarded a record number of training programs for the autumn of 2021 and the business is gaining market share. The number of granted applications was announced by the Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education. The expansion of...

IR Press Release 11 December 2020

The Swedish Competition Authority approves AcadeMedia’s acquisition of Swedish Education Group

The Swedish Competition Authority approves AcadeMedia’s acquisition of Swedish Education Group The Swedish Competition Authority today approved AcadeMedia’s acquisition of RE Skolor, the ultimate owner of AB Swedish Education Group. The acquisition is expected to be completed on 17 December 2020, in line with previous communication. The acquisition complements AcadeMedia’s existing business and strengthen our...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 26 November 2020

Bulletin from annual general meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Bulletin from annual general meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) The following resolutions were passed at AcadeMedia’s annual general meeting (the “AGM”) held today, on 26 November 2020 in Stockholm. Election of the board of directors and auditor The AGM resolved, in accordance with the proposal from the nomination committee, that the number of board members...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 06 November 2020

AcadeMedia strengthen its position through acquisition of Swedish Education Group for SEK 185 million

AcadeMedia strengthen its position through acquisition of Swedish Education Group for SEK 185 million AcadeMedia has today entered into an agreement to acquire all shares in RE Skolor AB, the ultimate owner of Swedish Education Group AB. The acquisition includes operations in compulsory school, upper secondary school, and higher vocational education. The acquisition complements AcadeMedia’s...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 27 October 2020

AcadeMedia publishes the Annual and Sustainability report for 2019/2020

AcadeMedia publishes the Annual and Sustainability report for 2019/2020 The 2019/2020 financial year can be divided into two separate periods. The time before, and the time during, the Covid-19 pandemic. In the combined Annual and Sustainability report published today, AcadeMedia details how, in March 2020, the entire organisation rapidly rose to the challenge to both...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 23 October 2020

Notice of annual general meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Notice of annual general meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) The shareholders of AcadeMedia AB (publ), reg, no. 556846-0231, with its registered office in Stockholm, are summoned to the annual general meeting (AGM) on Thursday 26 November 2020 at 2 p.m. at Näringslivets Hus, Storgatan 19, Stockholm. Registration starts at 1.30 p.m.   Timeline: Record Date  ...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 23 October 2020

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – September 2020

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – September 2020 First quarter (July – September 2020) Net sales increased by 5.6 percent and amounted to SEK 2,641 million (2,502). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 7.4 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 221 million (129). Adjusted operating profit, adjusted for items affecting comparability and effects of IFRS...

IR Press Release 14 October 2020

AcadeMedia’s Compulsory School Segment clarifies pedagogic offer and launches new educational profiles

AcadeMedia’s Compulsory School Segment clarifies pedagogic offer and launches new educational profiles In 2011 AcadeMedia acquired “Pysslingen förskolor och skolor”, a group of well-run pre- and compulsory school units with a variety of pedagogics. AcadeMedia’s Compulsory School Segment will now take steps to provide clarity on the differences between the existing units, grouping those with...

IR Press Release 13 October 2020

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2020/21

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2020/21 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2020/21 will be published at 08:00 CEST on 23 October. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CEST the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Katarina Wilson will...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 09 October 2020

AcadeMedia’s operating profit higher than expected for the first quarter 2020/21

AcadeMedia’s operating profit higher than expected for the first quarter 2020/21 AcadeMedia has had a stronger first quarter than expected by the market. Net sales are estimated to be SEK 2,650 million (2,502), an increase of around 6 percent compared to last year. Operating profit adjusted for the effects of IFRS 16 is estimated to...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 04 September 2020

AcadeMedia grows the number of children and students by approximately five percent organically

AcadeMedia grows the number of children and students by approximately five percent organically Preliminary figures show that the number of children and students in AcadeMedia’s three school segments will increase by approximately five percent in the first quarter of 2020/21 compared with the corresponding period last year. Early measurements indicate that the average number of...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 28 August 2020

AcadeMedia’s Year-end Report July 2019 – June 2020

AcadeMedia’s Year-end Report July 2019 – June 2020 Fourth quarter (April – June 2020) Net sales increased by 2.1 percent and amounted to SEK 3,227 million (3,162). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 3.9 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 334 million (218). Excluding the effects of IFRS 16, EBIT was SEK 279 million...

IR Press Release 14 August 2020

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2019/20

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2019/20 AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2019/20 will be published at 08:00 CEST on 28 August. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CEST the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Katarina...

IR Press Release 10 July 2020

The Supreme Administrative Court confirms the allocation decision for municipal adult education – AcadeMedia and the City of Stockholm can start to sign contracts

The Supreme Administrative Court confirms the allocation decision for municipal adult education – AcadeMedia and the City of Stockholm can start to sign contracts The Supreme Administrative Court of Sweden has rejected all applications for review of the procurement for municipal adult education. This means that AcadeMedia’s companies that participated in the procurement can begin...

IR Press Release 09 July 2020

AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education business has received additional educational places

AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education business has received additional educational places AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education business has been awarded 1,506 additional educational places for the autumn of 2020. The number of granted applications was announced by the Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education (MYH). In total, the additional allocation strengthens AcadeMedia’s position and increase market...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 05 May 2020

AcadeMedia’s interim report July 2019 – March 2020

AcadeMedia’s interim report July 2019 – March 2020 Third quarter (January – March 2020) Net sales increased by 4.8 percent and amounted to SEK 3,284 million (3,135). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 5.3 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 309 million (231). Excluding the effects of IFRS 16, EBIT was SEK 259 million...

IR Press Release 28 April 2020

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – March 2019/20

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – March 2019/20 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – March 2019/20 will be published at 08:00 CEST on 5 May. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CEST the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Katarina Wilson will...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 23 April 2020

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM 2020

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM 2020 The nomination committee shall comprise one representative for each of the three largest shareholders based on ownership of the company as per the end of the financial year’s third quarter. The chairman of the board shall be a co-opted member (Sw. adjungerad). Should one of the...

IR Press Release 16 March 2020

AcadeMedia comments on Covid-19

AcadeMedia comments on Covid-19 All AcadeMedia’s preschools in Norway and Germany are affected by national and regional decisions to close preschools and schools. The school voucher will continue to be paid out during this period. In Sweden, all operations will remain open. The situation can change rapidly and AcadeMedia is closely monitoring developments related to...

IR Press Release 14 February 2020

AcadeMedia is awarded new contracts by the City of Gothenburg

AcadeMedia is awarded new contracts by the City of Gothenburg The City of Gothenburg has announced its resolution regarding the tender for adult education provided by the municipality. As previously communicated, the City of Gothenburg has chosen a new procurement process with focus on lowest price, following the appeal in 2018-2019. Gothenburg will distribute the...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 31 January 2020

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – December 2019

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – December 2019 Second quarter (October – December 2019) Net sales increased by 5.9 percent and amounted to SEK 3,258 million (3,076). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 6.0 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 201 million (128). Excluding the effects of IFRS 16, EBIT was SEK 150 million (128),...

IR Press Release 17 January 2020

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2019/20

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2019/20 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2019/20 will be published at 08:00 CET on 31 January. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CET the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Katarina Wilson will...

IR Press Release 10 January 2020

AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education business grows at market pace

AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education business grows at market pace AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education business has been awarded a good number of training programs for the autumn of 2020 and the business grows at market pace. The number of granted applications was announced by the Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education. AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Education...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 29 November 2019

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia The number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia AB has during November increased through conversion of subscription warrants relating to the warrants programme for group management implemented at the Extraordinary General Meeting on 1 June 2016 (Warrant program 2016). In total, the number of shares...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 26 November 2019

Bulletin from annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Bulletin from annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) The following resolutions were passed at AcadeMedia’s annual shareholders’ meeting (the “AGM”) held today, on 26 November, 2019, in Stockholm. Election of the board of directors and auditor The AGM resolved, in accordance with the proposal from the nomination committee, that the number of board members...

IR Press Release 22 November 2019

AcadeMedia is awarded new contracts by the City of Stockholm

AcadeMedia is awarded new contracts by the City of Stockholm The City of Stockholm has announced its decision regarding the procurement for municipal adult education. The city distributes the responsibility for adult education to a limited number of providers, five of which are part of the AcadeMedia group – Movant, Eductus, Hermods, NTI-skolan and KompetensUtvecklingsInstitutet....

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 25 October 2019

AcadeMedia’s Annual report and Sustainability report is published today

AcadeMedia’s Annual report and Sustainability report is published today More children, students and adult education participants than ever attend one of AcadeMedia’s 650 units in Sweden, Norway and Germany. In the combined Annual and Sustainability report published today, the high paced development in Germany and efforts made within sustainability during the past year are highlighted....

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 24 October 2019

Notice of annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Notice of annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) The shareholders of AcadeMedia AB (publ) are summoned to the annual shareholders’ meeting on Tuesday 26 November 2019 at 2 p.m. at Näringslivets Hus, Storgatan 19, Stockholm. Registration starts at 1 p.m.   Shareholders who wish to attend the annual shareholders’ meeting must be registered in...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 23 October 2019

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – September 2019

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – September 2019 First quarter (July – September 2019) Net sales increased by 6.8 percent and amounted to SEK 2,502 million (2,343). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 6.8 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 129 million (58). Excluding the effects of IFRS 16, EBIT was SEK 75 million (58),...

IR Press Release 09 October 2019

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2019/20

Invitation to conference call with web presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2019/20 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2019/20 will be published at 08:00 CEST on 23 October. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CEST the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Eola Änggård Runsten will...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 02 October 2019

AcadeMedia grows the number of children and students by 3.4 percent organically

AcadeMedia grows the number of children and students by 3.4 percent organically The number of children and students in AcadeMedia’s three school segments increased by 3.4 percent for the first quarter of 2019/20 compared with the corresponding period last year. During the quarter, the average number of children and students attending the AcadeMedia’s preschools and...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 20 September 2019

Katarina Wilson new CFO at AcadeMedia

Katarina Wilson new CFO at AcadeMedia Eola Änggård Runsten, CFO of AcadeMedia since 2013, has decided to leave the company.  Eola will leave her position as CFO on November 1st and as of that date Katarina Wilson will be the new Chief Financial Officer of AcadeMedia. Katarina Wilson has been with AcadeMedia since 2016 as...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 29 August 2019

AcadeMedia’s Year-end report July 2018 – June 2019

AcadeMedia’s Year-end report July 2018 – June 2019 Fourth quarter (April – June 2019) Net sales increased by 5.6 percent to SEK 3,162 million (2,993). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 5.3 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) increased by 30.5 percent to SEK 218 million (167). Items affecting comparability in the period amounted to SEK -14...

IR Press Release 09 July 2019

Invitation to year-end presentation and capital markets seminar

Invitation to year-end presentation and capital markets seminar AcadeMedia invites investors and media to a webcast year-end presentation with a subsequent capital markets seminar. The focus of the seminar is the rapidly growing European preschool market and AcadeMedia’s strategy and opportunities for profitable growth. AcadeMedia’s year-end report for 2018/19 will be published at 08:00 CET...

IR Press Release 14 June 2019

AcadeMedia combines all preschools in one segment to capitalise on growth opportunities

AcadeMedia combines all preschools in one segment to capitalise on growth opportunities AcadeMedia is one of the leading preschool operators in Sweden and internationally. Bringing all pre-school units together in one segment enables us to focus and capture growth opportunities within the fast growing European pre-school market. AcadeMedia has through analysis of the European preschool...

IR Press Release 27 May 2019

AcadeMedia increases the number of upper secondary school places in Uppsala

AcadeMedia increases the number of upper secondary school places in Uppsala AcadeMedia signs an agreement with Akademiska Hus for larger upper secondary school premises. This enables an increase of the number of school places in Uppsala and contributes to growth. Uppsala is one of the fastest growing municipalities in Sweden with a population growth rate...

IR Press Release 13 May 2019

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM in 2019

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM in 2019 The nomination committee shall comprise one representative for each of the three largest shareholders based on ownership of the company as per the end of the financial year’s third quarter. The chairman of the board shall be a co-opted member (Sw. adjungerad). The Nomination Committee,...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 07 May 2019

AcadeMedia’s interim report July 2018 – March 2019

AcadeMedia’s interim report July 2018 – March 2019 Third quarter (January – March 2019) Net sales increased by 5.7 percent and amounted to SEK 3,135 million (2,967). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 4.5 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) increased by 10.5 percent to SEK 231 million (209). Retroactive revenues from prior years amounted to SEK...

IR Press Release 25 March 2019

Voucher increases for Academedia amount to 2.5% in Sweden

Voucher increases for Academedia amount to 2.5% in Sweden Voucher notifications have been recieved for almost 80 percent of the student base which gives a stable average for the Swedish operations. Average voucher increases for 2019 are for AcadeMedia’s Swedish operations estimated to 2.5 (2.5) percent and 3.4 (2.2) percent for the Norwegian preschools. The...

IR Press Release 08 February 2019

The Schools Inspectorate resolves on an injunction to Praktiska Gymnasiet in Karlskrona

The Schools Inspectorate resolves on an injunction to Praktiska Gymnasiet in Karlskrona The Schools Inspectorate has given Praktiska Gymnasiet, an upper secondary school, in Karlskrona an injunction with a threat of a fine amounting to SEK 1.5 million. There is a prior injunction with a potential fine of SEK 650 000. The shortcomings identified in the...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 31 January 2019

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – December 2018

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – December 2018 AcadeMedia’s interim report July – December 2018  Second quarter (October – December 2018) Net sales increased by 9.3 percent and amounted to SEK 3,076 million (2,813). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 4.5 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) decreased by 22.9 percent to SEK 128 million (166). The decline...

IR Press Release 30 January 2019

Record allocation of higher vocational training for AcadeMedia

Record allocation of higher vocational training for AcadeMedia AcadeMedia’s Higher Vocational Training business has been awarded a record number of training programs for the fall of 2019. In total 71 planned training programs have been awarded, which is an increase of 29 compared to last year. This was made clear yesterday following an announcement from...

IR Press Release 17 January 2019

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2018/19

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2018/19 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2018/19 will be published at 08:00 CET on January 31. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CET the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Eola Änggård Runsten will present the report. ...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 03 December 2018

Members of the executive management in AcadeMedia have acquired synthetic options relating to AcadeMedia issued by Mellby Gård

Members of the executive management in AcadeMedia have acquired synthetic options relating to AcadeMedia issued by Mellby Gård The Board of Directors in AcadeMedia AB (publ) has been informed by the company’s principal shareholder Mellby Gård AB that members of the executive management in AcadeMedia have acquired synthetic options relating to AcadeMedia issued by Mellby...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 30 November 2018

Change in the number of votes in AcadeMedia

Change in the number of votes in AcadeMedia The votes in AcadeMedia has changed through conversion of 76,758 C shares to 76,758 ordinary shares. These shares now have one vote per share, totally 76,758 votes. The conversion follows that all criteria in AcadeMedia’s share-based incentive program was met and the qualifying participants have received these...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 22 November 2018

Bulletin from annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Bulletin from annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) The following resolutions were passed at AcadeMedia’s annual shareholders’ meeting (the “AGM”) held today, on 22 November, 2018, in Stockholm. Election of the board of directors and auditor The AGM resolved, in accordance with the proposal from the nomination committee, that the number of board members...

IR Press Release 12 November 2018

AcadeMedia is awarded new contract by the City of Gothenburg

AcadeMedia is awarded new contract by the City of Gothenburg On Tuesday last week the City of Gothenburg announced its resolution regarding a tender for adult education provided by the municipality. Gothenburg will distribute the adult education to a limited number of suppliers, four of which are part of the AcadeMedia group – Movant, Eductus,...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 01 November 2018

The full proposal on a convertible program ahead of the annual shareholders’ meeting is now available. Modifications compared to the notice

The full proposal on a convertible program ahead of the annual shareholders’ meeting is now available. Modifications compared to the notice Ahead of AcadeMedia’s annual shareholders’ meeting on November 22, 2018, t9:he board of directors’ has now published the full proposal on a directed issue of convertibles to the employees (Convertible program 2019/2023). The full...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 29 October 2018

AcadeMedia announces a change in its Executive Management Team

AcadeMedia announces a change in its Executive Management Team On 1 December 2018, Paula Hammerskog will transition from Head of Communications to the newly created role of Head of Safety and Security at AcadeMedia. The new Head of Communications will be Annette Lilliestierna, who is currently in the role of Head of AcadeMedia Academy. At...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 26 October 2018

AcadeMedia’s Annual report and Sustainability report is published today

AcadeMedia’s Annual report and Sustainability report is published today A record number of  students, children and participants attend at AcadeMedia’s schools and adult education, and a good financial development ensures that the group is well prepared for the future. This is shown in AcadeMedia’s annual report that is published today. This year’s Annual report also...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 25 October 2018

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – September 2018

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – September 2018 AcadeMedia’s interim report July – September 2018  First quarter (July – September 2018) Net sales increased by 15.0 percent and amounted to SEK 2,343 million (2,037). Organic growth, including bolt-on acquisitions, was 2.8 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) decreased by 27.5 percent to SEK 58 million (80). Adjusted for...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 24 October 2018

Notice of annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Notice of annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) The shareholders of AcadeMedia AB (publ) are summoned to the annual shareholders’ meeting on Thursday 22 November 2018 at 3 p.m. at City Conference Center, Folkets Hus, Barnhusgatan 12-14, Stockholm. Registration starts at 2 p.m. Shareholders who wish to attend the annual shareholders’ meeting must –       ...

IR Press Release 12 October 2018

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2018 /19

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2018 /19 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2018/19 will be published at 08:00 CET on October 25. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CET the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Eola Änggård Runsten will present the...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 04 October 2018

AcadeMedia increases the number of children and students with 4.8 percent organically and 15.7 percent in total

AcadeMedia increases the number of children and students with 4.8 percent organically and 15.7 percent in total The number of children and students in AcadeMedia’s three school segments increased with 15.7 percent for the first quarter of 2018/19 compared with the corresponding period last year. This means that the average number of children and students...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 29 August 2018

AcadeMedia’s Year-end Report 2017/18

AcadeMedia’s Year-end Report 2017/18 Fourth quarter (April – June 2018) Net sales increased by 14.7 percent to SEK 2,993 million (2,610). Organic growth including bolt-on acquisitions amounted to 4.1 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) declined by 20.9 percent to SEK 167 million (211). Adjusted for items affecting comparability, operating profit was SEK 207 million (229). Net...

IR Press Release 15 August 2018

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2017/18

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2017/18 AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2017/18 will be published at 08:00 CET on August 29. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CEST the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Eola Änggård Runsten will present...

IR Press Release 14 August 2018

Veronica Rörsgård new head of AcadeMedia Preschools in Sweden and member of Executive Management

Veronica Rörsgård new head of AcadeMedia Preschools in Sweden and member of Executive Management Veronica Rörsgård has recently joined AcadeMedia as head of Preschools in Sweden. Veronica most recently worked at Skanska, where she held the position as HR and IT Director. Before that Veronica Rörsgård was Managing Director of the recruitment company Alumni. Veronica...

IR Press Release 02 July 2018

AcadeMedia signs a new loan agreement with a total amount of SEK 2,500 million

AcadeMedia signs a new loan agreement with a total amount of SEK 2,500 million On Friday the 29th of June, 2018, AcadeMedia signed a new loan agreement with its financiers involving an extension of the total amount of SEK 2,500 million until the middle of 2023. The new loan agreement is expected to render approximately SEK 10...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 29 June 2018

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia The number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia has changed through issuance of 160,000 C shares carrying one tenth of a vote per share, i.e. in total 16,000 votes. All C shares are owned by the company. The share issue was resolved upon by the...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 28 June 2018

AcadeMedia’s adult education segment takes restructuring expenses of SEK 38 million in the fourth quarter

AcadeMedia’s adult education segment takes restructuring expenses of SEK 38 million in the fourth quarter AcadeMedia’s adult education segment takes restructuring expenses of SEK 38 million in the fourth quarter As previously communicated, the adult education segment is facing a transition period and lower margins. The ongoing transition in combination with a weaker market development...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 25 June 2018

Issue and repurchase of class C shares for incentive program

Issue and repurchase of class C shares for incentive program AcadeMedia AB (publ) announces that the board of directors has resolved to issue 160,000 class C shares and immediately thereafter repurchase all of the issued shares. By virtue of an authorization by the annual general meeting on 24 November 2017, the board of directors of...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 01 June 2018

AcadeMedia’s subsidiary Hermods has reached a settlement with the City of Malmö regarding the SFI-contract

AcadeMedia’s subsidiary Hermods has reached a settlement with the City of Malmö regarding the SFI-contract On March 19, AcadeMedia announced that Hermods had identified a deficiency in their reporting of teacher qualifications to the City of Malmö. Following a dialogue with the City of Malmö a joint agreement has now been reached. On March 19...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 30 May 2018

Demand for repayment of state subsidies from Praktiska relating to time prior to acquisition.

Demand for repayment of state subsidies from Praktiska relating to time prior to acquisition. Praktiska was acquired as part of Vindora on November 1, 2017 and provides upper secondary schools with apprenticeship focus. Relating to this, Praktiska receives state subsidies for the apprenticeships from the Swedish national agency for education which are transferred to the...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 22 May 2018

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM in 2018

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM in 2018 The nomination committee shall comprise one representative for each of the three largest shareholders based on ownership of the company as per the end of the financial year’s third quarter. The chairman of the board shall be a co-opted member (Sw. adjungerad). The Nomination Committee,...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 04 May 2018

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – March 2018

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – March 2018 Third quarter (January– March 2018) Net sales increased by 16.8 percent to SEK 2,967 million (2,540). Organic growth including bolt-on acquisitions amounted to 6.1 percent. Operating profit (EBIT) increased by 7.2 percent to SEK 209 million (195). Adjusted for items affecting comparability, operating profit was SEK 214 million...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 27 April 2018

The investigation regarding Hermods Swedish language training (sfi) for City of Malmö completed

The investigation regarding Hermods Swedish language training (sfi) for City of Malmö completed AcadeMedia announced on March 19 that the company had initiated an externally led independent investigation of its subsidiary Hermods’ Swedish language training (sfi) in Malmö, after an internal review had found that the reported information to the City of Malmö on the...

IR Press Release 19 April 2018

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – March 2017/18

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – March 2017/18 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – March 2017/18 will be published at 08:00 CET on May 4. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CEST the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Eola Änggård Runsten will present the report....

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 13 April 2018

Police report and demand for price reduction due to faulty reporting of contractual obligation regarding certified teachers

Police report and demand for price reduction due to faulty reporting of contractual obligation regarding certified teachers AcadeMedia’s subsidiary Hermods has had a deficiency with regard to the contractual proportion of certified teachers which has been reported earlier. The City of Malmö has now filed a formal police report and communicated a demand for price...

IR Press Release 12 April 2018

Contract signing can start for Vocational and Preparatory modules

Contract signing can start for Vocational and Preparatory modules The right to appeal the Administrative Court’s decision to reject the appeal of the Vocational and Preparatory modules (“yrkes- och studieförberedande moduler, YSM”) has now ended. AcadeMedia can now commence signing of contracts with the Swedish Public Employment Agency. The contract period runs until 2019-10-31 with...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 21 March 2018

Penalty fee possible due to faulty reporting of contractual obligation regarding certified teachers

Penalty fee possible due to faulty reporting of contractual obligation regarding certified teachers Penalty fee possible due to faulty reporting of contractual obligation regarding certified teachers AcadeMedia has in a review of its subsidiary Hermods, which conducts Swedish language training (sfi) for the City of Malmö, identified that Hermods Malmö has had a deficiency with...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 21 March 2018

Administrative Court confirms the allocation decision for Professional and Preparatory modules – AcadeMedia is one step closer to signing contracts

Administrative Court confirms the allocation decision for Professional and Preparatory modules – AcadeMedia is one step closer to signing contracts The Administrative Court has announced that it rejects the applications for review of the Professional and Preparatory modules (“yrkes- och studieförberedande moduler, YSM”). The outcome of the procurement was announced in early July 2017. This...

IR Press Release 19 March 2018

AcadeMedia has initated an investigation regarding Hermods Swedish language training (sfi) for City of Malmö

AcadeMedia has initated an investigation regarding Hermods Swedish language training (sfi) for City of Malmö AcadeMedia has in connection with an investigation of the subsidiary Hermods, which conducts Swedish language training (sfi) for the City of Malmö, identified that Hermods Malmö has submitted incorrect information to the City regarding the teachers who have educated the...

IR Press Release 07 March 2018

Voucher increases for Academedia amounts to 2.5% in Sweden

Voucher increases for Academedia amounts to 2.5% in Sweden Voucher increases for Academedia amounts to 2.5% in Sweden   Voucher decisions are recieved for 81 percent of the student base which gives a stable increase for the Swedish operations. Average voucher increases for 2018 are for AcadeMedias Swedish operations 2.5 (2.3) percent. For the Norwegian...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 01 February 2018

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – December 2017

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – December 2017 Second quarter (October – December 2017) Net sales increased by 12.2 percent to SEK 2,813 million (2,508) of which Vindora represented 6.3 percent. Organic growth including bolt-on acquisitions amounted to 5.4%. Operating profit (EBIT) increased by 16.9 percent to SEK 166 million (142), of which Vindora represented SEK...

IR Press Release 18 January 2018

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2017/18

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2017/18 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – December 2017/18 will be published at 08:00 CET on February 1. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CET the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Eola Änggård Runsten will present the report....

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 29 December 2017

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia The number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia has changed in December 2017 as a result of the rights issue previously announced. The total number of shares in AcadeMedia has increased by 10,513,888 shares, corresponding to 10,513,888 votes. Today, the last trading day of the...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 24 November 2017

Bulletin from annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Bulletin from annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) The following resolutions were passed at AcadeMedia’s annual shareholders’ meeting (the “AGM”) held today, on 24 November, 2017, in Stockholm. Election of the board of directors and auditor  The AGM resolved, in accordance with the proposal from the nomination committee, that the number of board members...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 01 November 2017

Changes in the nomination committee’s proposal for election of board members in AcadeMedia

Changes in the nomination committee’s proposal for election of board members in AcadeMedia Changes in the nomination committee’s proposal for election of board members in AcadeMedia Due to the fact that EQT, after its sale of shares on 26 October 2017, no longer owns any shares in AcadeMedia, Erika Henriksson has informed the nomination committee...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 26 October 2017

AcadeMedia’s annual report 2016/17

AcadeMedia’s annual report 2016/17 AcadeMedia’s annual report for 2016/17 is now available on the corporate website under the following link: https://corporate.old.academedia.duvadev.se/en/financials/reports-presentations/ A PDF-version of the annual report is also available as an attachment to this press release. Shareholders and other interested parties who wish to receive a printed copy of the annual report may order it...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 26 October 2017

AcadeMedia’s interim report July 2017 – September 2017

AcadeMedia’s interim report July 2017 – September 2017 First quarter (July 2017 – September 2017)  Net sales increased by 9.4 percent to SEK 2,037 million (1,862).   Operating profit (EBIT) increased by 17.6 percent to SEK 80 million (68). Adjusted for items affecting comparability, operating profit was SEK 82 million (69).  Net profit for the period...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 24 October 2017

Notice of annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Notice of annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) Right to attend the shareholders’ meeting Shareholders who wish to attend the annual shareholders’ meeting must  be registered in the share register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB on Saturday 18 November 2017, and must also  notify the company of their intention to attend the meeting, no...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 24 October 2017

AcadeMedia decides on a fully covered rights issue of approximately SEK 400 million


IR Press Release 16 October 2017

The Swedish Competition Authority approves AcadeMedia’s acquisition of Vindora

The Swedish Competition Authority approves AcadeMedia’s acquisition of Vindora The Swedish Competition Authority today approved AcadeMedia’s acquisition of Vindora. The acquisition is expected to be completed on November 1, 2017, in line with previous communication. Through the acquisition of Vindora, AcadeMedia will develop and invest in its Swedish operations in the field of vocational education...

IR Press Release 13 October 2017

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2017/18

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2017/18 AcadeMedia’s quarterly report for July – September 2017/18 will be published at 08:00 CET on October 26. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CET the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Eola Änggård Runsten will present the report....

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 03 October 2017

AcadeMedia increases the number of children and students by 4.5 percent

AcadeMedia increases the number of children and students by 4.5 percent The number of children and students in AcadeMedia’s three school segments increases with 4.5 percent during the first quarter of 2017/18 compared to the corresponding period  last year. This means that the average number of children and students attending one of the company’s preschools or...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 12 September 2017

AcadeMedia acquires Vindora for SEK 546 million, partly funded through a rights issue

AcadeMedia acquires Vindora for SEK 546 million, partly funded through a rights issue Through the acquisition of Vindora, AcadeMedia will develope and invest in its Swedish operations in the field of vocational education with 33 upper secondary schools under the brand of Praktiska, three upper secondary schools under the brand of Hagströmska as well as...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 30 August 2017

AcadeMedia’s Year-end Report 2016/17

AcadeMedia’s Year-end Report 2016/17 Fourth quarter (April 2017 – June 2017) Net sales increased by 9.8 percent to SEK 2,610, million (2,378). Operating profit (EBIT) decreased slightly to SEK 211 million (218). Adjusted for items affecting comparability, operating profit was SEK 229 million (238). Net profit for the period was SEK 154 million (140). Cash...

IR Press Release 16 August 2017

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2016/17

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2016/17 AcadeMedia’s full year result for July – June 2016/17 will be published at 08:00 CET on August 30. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CET the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Eola Änggård Runsten will present...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 08 July 2017

Change in AcadeMedia’s contract portfolio in Adult Education leads to lower margins, but with potential for increased volumes

Change in AcadeMedia’s contract portfolio in Adult Education leads to lower margins, but with potential for increased volumes Contract for Professional and Preparatory Modules replaces Basic Modules One of the most significant contracts is that for Basic Modules (“grundläggande moduler”). This contract for Basic Modules expires on January 8, 2018. The tender process for the next...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 31 May 2017

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia The number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia has changed by an issue of 524,997 common shares in conjunction with the acquisition of Step Kids Education GmbH (Stepke) Today, the last trading day of the month, there are in total 94,789,997 shares in AcadeMedia. 94,624,997...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 24 May 2017

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM in 2017

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM in 2017 The nomination committee shall comprise one representative for each of the three largest shareholders based on ownership of the company as per the end of the financial year’s third quarter. The chairman of the board shall be a co-opted member (Sw. adjungerad). The Nomination Committee,...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 10 May 2017

AcadeMedia’s interim report July 2016 – March 2017

AcadeMedia’s interim report July 2016 – March 2017 Third quarter (Jan 2017 – March 2017) Net sales increased by 9.7 percent to SEK 2,540 million (2,316). Operating profit (EBIT) decreased slightly to SEK 195 million (196). Adjusted for items affecting comparability, operating profit was SEK 197 million (199). Net profit for the period was SEK...

IR Press Release 26 April 2017

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s interim report January – March 2016/17

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s interim report January – March 2016/17 AcadeMedia’s interim report for January-March 2016/17 will be published at 08:00 CET on May 10. A web-cast telephone conference will be held at 09:30 CET the same day, where CEO Marcus Strömberg and CFO Eola Änggård Runsten will present the report. The presentation will...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 18 April 2017

AcadeMedia AB (publ) is growing in Germany, acquires preschool company Stepke

AcadeMedia AB (publ) is growing in Germany, acquires preschool company Stepke – It is exciting to take this next step in the development of AcadeMedia in Germany. In Stepke we see another high quality preschool company to learn from and to develop together with our colleagues in the existing German operations, says Marcus Strömberg, CEO...

IR Press Release 21 March 2017

Voucher increases for Academedia amounts to 2.3% in Sweden

Voucher increases for Academedia amounts to 2.3% in Sweden Voucher decisions have now been recieved for 89 percent of the student base which gives a stable increase for the Swedish operations. Average voucher increases for 2017 are for AcadeMedias Swedish operations 2.3 percent. For the Norwegian Preschools in the Espira Group 1.9 percent. The increases...

IR Press Release 13 February 2017

Mellby Gård increases its holding in AcadeMedia

Mellby Gård increases its holding in AcadeMedia “The decision felt natural. We want to be part of building Sweden into an even stronger knowledge nation”, says Johan Andersson, CEO of Mellby Gård. AcadeMedia operates throughout the education system, from preschool to adult education and is northern Europe’s leading independent education provider. Marcus Strömberg, CEO of...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 07 February 2017

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – December 2016

AcadeMedia’s interim report July – December 2016 Second quarter (October 2016 – December 2016) Net sales increased by 12.0 percent to SEK 2,508 million (2,239). Operating profit (EBIT) increased by 57.8 percent to SEK 142 million (90). Adjusted for non-recurring items, operating profit was SEK 142 million (97). Net profit for the period was SEK...

IR Press Release 26 January 2017

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report October – December 2016/17

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report October – December 2016/17 The presentation will be held in English and can be followed on the web or over the phone. It will be followed by a Q&A session. To participate in the conference call, and thereby be able to ask questions, call one of the following...

IR Press Release 19 January 2017

New Business Development Director at AcadeMedia

New Business Development Director at AcadeMedia Kristofer Hammar has until now worked with business development, AcadeMedia’s acquisitions and international expansion. “Kristofer will be an important addition to AcadeMedia’s Group Management Committee. His experience within the organization and his work with our international expansion has been very successful and I look forward to working more closely...

IR Press Release 11 January 2017

Changes in AcadeMedia’s Group Management

Changes in AcadeMedia’s Group Management “I have had a fantastic journey during almost ten years with AcadeMedia. We have been constantly challenged and at the same time AcadeMedia has developed as an organization. Now I feel the time is right for others to take over and for me to do other things”, he says. Martin...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 17 November 2016

Bulletin from annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Bulletin from annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) Election of the board of directors and auditorsThe AGM resolved, in accordance with the proposal from the nomination committee, that the number of board members appointed by the shareholders’ meeting shall be six without deputies. Ulf Mattsson, Harry Klagsbrun, Helen Fasth Gillstedt, Erika Henriksson, Silvija Seres...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 08 November 2016

AcadeMedia’s quarterly report July-September 2016/17

AcadeMedia’s quarterly report July-September 2016/17 First quarter (July 2016 – September 2016) Net sales increased by 10.9 percent to SEK 1,862 million (1,679). Operating profit (EBIT) increased by 119.4 percent to SEK 68 million (31). Adjusted for items affecting comparability the operating profit was SEK 69 million (34). Profit for the period was SEK 41...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 31 October 2016

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia

Change in the number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia The share issue was resolved upon by the board of directors on 26 September 2016, on the basis of an authorization by the extraordinary general meeting in the company held on 1 June 2016. The share issue forms part of the company’s long term incentive...

IR Press Release 27 October 2016

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report July-September 2016/17

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s quarterly report July-September 2016/17 The presentation will be held in English and can be followed on the web or over the phone. It will be followed by a Q&A session. To participate in the conference call, and thereby be able to ask questions, call one of the following numbers ten...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 20 October 2016

AcadeMedia’s annual report 2015/16

AcadeMedia’s annual report 2015/16 AcadeMedia’s annual report for 2015/16 is now available on the corporate website under the following link: https://corporate.old.academedia.duvadev.se/en/financials/reports-presentations/ A PDF-version of the annual report is also available as an attachment to this press release. Shareholders and other interested parties who wish to receive a printed copy of the annual report may order it...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 18 October 2016

Notice of annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ)

Notice of annual shareholders’ meeting of AcadeMedia AB (publ) Right to attend the shareholders’ meetingShareholders who wish to attend the shareholders’ meeting must be registered in the share register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB on Friday 11 November 2016, and must also notify the company of their intention to attend the meeting, no later than...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 30 September 2016

AcadeMedia increases the number of children and students by 4.9 percent

AcadeMedia increases the number of children and students by 4.9 percent This means that the average number of children and students attending one of the company’s preschools or schools is 65 143 (62 103) during the quarter. The numbers are preliminary. At the beginning of the fall semester one preschool in Sweden and three in...

IR Press Release 26 September 2016

Issue and repurchase of class C shares for incentive program

Issue and repurchase of class C shares for incentive program The purpose of the issue and the repurchase is to ensure delivery of shares to employees within AcadeMedia under the long term incentive program, adopted by the general meeting on 1 June 2016. The class C shares will be converted into ordinary shares prior to...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 30 August 2016

AcadeMedia’s Year-End Report 2015/16

AcadeMedia’s Year-End Report 2015/16 AcadeMedia’s Year-End Report 2015/16   Fourth quarter (April 2016 – June 2016) Net sales increased by 8.1 percent to SEK 2,378 million (2,199). Operating profit (EBIT) increased by 35.4 percent to SEK 218 million (161). Adjusted for items affecting comparability the operating profit was SEK 238 million (237). Profit for the...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 22 August 2016

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM in 2016

AcadeMedia publishes the Nomination Committee for the AGM in 2016 The Nomination Committee, which is appointed in accordance with the principles adopted by the Annual General Meeting December 18, 2015, consists of: Erika Henriksson *, Marvin Holding Limited Rune Andersson, Mellby Gård Johan Lannebo, Lannebo Fonder Ulf Mattsson * (Chairman of the Board) Chairman of...

IR Press Release 17 August 2016

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s full year results for July-June 2015/16

Invitation to presentation of AcadeMedia’s full year results for July-June 2015/16 The presentation will be held in English and can be followed on the web or over the phone. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session. To participate in the conference call, and thereby be able to ask questions, call one of the...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 01 July 2016

Exercise of the over-allotment option

Exercise of the over-allotment option For more information, see corporate.old.academedia.duvadev.se/en/ipo/

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 30 June 2016

Number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia

Number of shares and votes in AcadeMedia Today, the last trading day of the month, there are in total 94,100,000 shares and votes in AcadeMedia. For further information, please contact: Paula Hammerskog, Communications Director at AcadeMedia Telephone: +46 73 334 87 50 E-mail: paula.hammerskog@old.academedia.duvadev.se Christian Hall, Investor Relations at AcadeMedia Telephone: +46 76 311 12 42 E-mail:...

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 15 June 2016

First day of trading in the AcadeMedia share

First day of trading in the AcadeMedia share For more information, see corporate.old.academedia.duvadev.se/en/ipo/

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 02 June 2016

AcadeMedia publishes prospectus for Initial Public Offering on Nasdaq Stockholm

AcadeMedia publishes prospectus for Initial Public Offering on Nasdaq Stockholm For more information, see corporate.old.academedia.duvadev.se/en/ipo/

IR Press Release, Regulatory IR Press Release 27 May 2016

AcadeMedia intends to list its shares on Nasdaq Stockholm