

Två barn blandar målarfärg
At AcadeMedia, transparency is crucial, both because we are largely publicly funded financed with public funds, and partly because we know it strengthens trust in us as a major player in the field of education. We are transparent across all parts of our organisation and always report on the degree to which we achieve the goals we set.
Flera barn befinner sig i en skolgård, några barn spelar med en boll på marken

Our segments

The AcadeMedia Group has four segments: preschool, primary school, upper secondary school and adult education. Our segments all have their own governance and are operated independently. However, all our work at all our operations is founded on the same quality and management system, the AcadeMedia model.

AcadeMedia is northern Europe's largest educational company, with operations in Sweden, Norway and Germany. In Sweden we have preschools, primary schools, upper secondary schools and adult education. In addition, we operate preschools in Norway and Germany. 

Common functions

The size of our organisation allows us to coordinate a number of common functions, which enables us to devote more time and resource to each child, student and adult education participant. Synergised functions include quality, HR, purchasing, IT, finance, communication and management tasks. All AcadeMedia operation are able to benefit from our key expertise in these areas. 

Our goal is to ensure we are using the bulk of the public funds entrusted to us where it makes the biggest difference - in our classrooms.

Barn och lärare leker i sandlådan, läraren visar sand som blivit formad för barnet
Elev räcker upp handen i en klassrumsmiljö

Our size generates security

While our various operations and companies have great independence and freedom of action in how they design and develop their educational operations, AcadeMedia is there to provide security and quality assurance. We have the resources to help where needed, which creates long-term perspective and stability.
The size of our organisation enables us to support the operations that are in current need of it, as well as have the capacity to make long-term investments, including investments financed by previous years' profits. To look at an individual annual report can give a distorted picture of the economic reality, as successful long-term investments can involve losses in the beginning. An example of this would be start-up costs when a new school is established within one of our brands.

AcadeMedia's corporate structure

AcedeMedia’s corporate structure may seem difficult to understand at first glance. The company is made up of several different companies. This is because AcadeMedia has grown through both establishment of our own businesses, and through mergers and acquisitions. Our parent company is called AcadeMedia AB. All education companies that have a school permit are subsidiaries within the AcadeMedia group.
Our different companies and brands mean that we can be clear to students, employees, municipalities and suppliers about what each educational profile represents. A teacher at ProCivitas is employed by ProCivitas, not by AcadeMedia, and the same applies to employees at Pysslingen, LBS Kreativa gymnasiet, Eductus, Hermods and all other group businesses. This structure makes it easier for students, the School Inspectorate and municipalities to understand to our activities

Tre personer sitter runt ett bord, personen i mitten pratar med en person som skrattar. Den andra personen lyssnar