
Our goals

In order to achieve our vision of leading the development of the future of education, AcadeMedia has set a number of goals.
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  • AcadeMedia aims to be a leader in learning, appeal, efficiency and innovative development. 
  • AcadeMedia aims to deliver the highest quality of education within the sectors we operate in.
  • By 2023, AcadeMedia aims to be Europe's leading and preeminent educational company.

Sustainability goals

AcadeMedia continuously works to contribute to society and strives to build sustainability by providing an excellent education for all, using resources responsibly and an having an ethical approach to everything we do. See our sustainability report (part of our annual report, beginning on page 26). Together with our stakeholders, we have chosen to focus on teaching, employees, environment and transparency.

  • That every person taking part in AcadeMedia education is able to achieve the objectives for their age or skill group (100% - everyone to reach their full potential.)
  • Our employees are satisfied with AcadeMedia as an employer and would recommend working with us to others. 
  • AcadeMedia endeavors to be a model of environmental responsibility and sustainability within the educational sector. 
  • AcadeMedia aims to lead by example as a public sector company operating with transparency.

Financial goals

AcadeMedia's overarching goal is to deliver the best educational quality of the areas in which the company operates. This quality is also the key to reaching the financial goals. 

Revenue growth
AcadeMedia's goal is that revenue growth should amount to 5-7 percent per year, excluding major acquisitions. The corporate group aims to grow organically with the help of free capacity in existing units and through start-ups of new units. The company also intends to continue growing through the take-over of educational units as well as continued consolidation of the market via acquisitions. 

Operating margin
AcadeMedia's has a profitability goal for operating profit (EBIT), excluding items affecting comparability, that over time it should amount to 7 to 8 percent of turnover. 

Capital structure
AcadeMedia aims to have a net interest-bearing debt in relation to operating profit before depreciation (EBITDA) excluding items affecting comparability of a maximum of three times. However, during shorter periods deviations from this target may occur, for instance when major acquisitions are made. 

Dividend policy

AcadeMedia's primary responsibility is to provide an excellent education for the compensation received. We endeavor to do this in the most efficient and effective way possible. AcadeMedia's free cash flow will primarily be reinvested in the business to maintain high quality levels and to fund growth. Any surplus will be distributed to the shareholders once AcadeMedia's quality and financial goals are met.  

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